
Press Releases - Archive


Sizing up our ape past

Researchers suggest the last common ancestor of the apes was substantially smaller than previously…

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Ebola vaccine can now be used on children

An international team tests the vaccine on adolescents and children and establishes correct dosage

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Doing homework is associated with change in students’ personality

Students who invest more effort in their homework show changes in conscientiousness, University of…

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Supersonic gas streams left over from the Big Bang drive massive black hole formation

University of Tübingen astrophysicist is among an international team of researchers which has…

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Two ERC Starting Grants for Tübingen researchers

Palaeoanthropologist Radu Iovita and medical researcher Surjo R. Soekadar receive 1.5 m euros for…

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Fuel from waste and electricity

Production of drop-in fuel from complex biomass and electric energy by combined microbial and…

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Plant geneticist Chang Liu receives a European Research Council Starting Grant

The researcher from the University of Tübingen investigates 3D structures of plant DNA and the…

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Cell marking opens up a window into the body

Researchers at the University of Tübingen develop methods to track cells in mice which could help to…

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