
HOCH-N network


What contribution to sustainable development can universities make in the fields of action sustainability reporting, governance, teaching, research, operations and transfer? How can a common understanding of sustainability and transformation be developed in the university network? How can sustainable development succeed in universities as a whole institution? These and similar questions, as well as the establishment of a nationwide university network, were the focus of the project Sustainability at Universities: develop - network - report (HOCHN), which was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) from 2017-2021.

Beyond the project network of eleven German universities, universities are invited to join the HOCHN sustainability network to learn from each other and jointly promote the sustainable development of their institutions.

Updated guidelines for all fields of action have been available since 2021, as well as a wiki with a wealth of further information on SD and Hoschulen.  

More information can be found HERE.