
Good Scientific Practice

As an international research university, the University of Tübingen expects its researchers to adhere to established standards of good scientific practice. Violations of these standards can not only destroy the reputation of the responsible researcher, but can also seriously damage the reputation of our university.

In order to ensure good scientific practice and to handle scientific misconduct, the University of Tübingen has implemented guidelines and established processes and support services.

Guidelines for Good Scientific Practice

The rules for good research practice, to which all members of the University of Tübingen are committed, are anchored in the University of Tübingen Guidelines for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice.

The Tübingen Guidelines are based on the Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice of the German Research Foundation (DFG). As a practically oriented, subject-specific commentary on the Code, the DFG provides an online portal.

Research integrity portal of the DFG 

Ombudspersons for Good Scientific Practice

The University of Tübingen has appointed a number of ombudspersons for good scientific practice to whom their members and employees can turn with questions relating to good scientific practice and cases of suspected misconduct. As neutral and qualified contact persons, they contribute to solution-oriented conflict mediation where possible. Ombudspersons maintain confidentiality in dealing with queries and, if necessary, notify the responsible body at their institution in the event of suspected cases of misconduct. Apart from the ombudspersons for good scientific practice, the University has also appointed ombudspersons for issues arising during the doctoral phase. They can, for example, be contacted in case of conflict between doctoral candidate and supervisor.

Ombudspersons for Good Scientific Practice (in accordance with § 4 VerfO)


Regular Ombudspersons

apl. Prof. Dr. Reinhild Klein

Prof. Dr. Marius Ueffing
marius.ueffingspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Deputy Ombudspersons

apl. Prof. Dr. Sandra Beer-Hammer
sandra.beer-hammerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

apl. Prof. Anil Batra
anil.batraspam prevention@med.uni-tuebingen.de


Regular Ombudspersons

Prof. Dr. Katharina Förster, Department of Biology

Prof. Dr. Andreas Kappler, Department of Geoscience
andreas.kapplerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Deputy Ombudspersons

Prof. Dr. Dominique J. Lunter, Department of Pharmacy and Biochemistry
dominique.lunterspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Prof. Dr. Werner Vogelsang, Department of Physics
werner.vogelsangspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


Regular Ombudspersons

Prof. Dr. Martina Thiele, Department of Philosophy and Media
martina.thielespam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Prof. Dr. Markus Pudelko, Department of Economics
markus.pudelkospam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Deputy Ombudspersons

Prof. Dr. Pia Schober, Department of Scoial Sciences
pia.schoberspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Prof. Dr. Achim Mittag, Department of Asian and Oriental Studies
achim.mittagspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


Period in office: March 17, 2023 to March 16, 2026

Information and Support Services


The university offers courses on good scientific practice for researchers of different career stages.

More Info


For advice on matters relating to good scientific practice, the University has established various contact points.

More Info

Animal testing

Animal testing requires particular sensitivity from researchers.

More Info

Medical research projects involving humans

The Ethics Commission at the Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital in Tübingen is responsible for medical research projects involving humans.

More Info

Further Documents on Good Scientific Practice

The German Rectors' Conference (HRK), the German Research Foundation, the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat), and the National Academy of Sciences and Humanities Leopoldina have expressed their views on good scientific practice and scientific misconduct in several position papers.

Academic Misconduct

Please contact one of the ombudspersons for good scientific practice if you are a member of the university and suspect or wish to report scientific misconduct or violations of good scientific practice. The ombudspersons are sworn to absolute secrecy and are independent in the performance of their duties. The ombudsperson in question will examine the significance of this suspicion of academic misconduct in detail with regard to the plausibility of these accusations. Justified cases will be passed on to the Commission for the Investigation of Misconduct in Science. University of Tübingen rules of procedure for dealing with academic misconduct (2023).

Members of the Commission for the Investigation of Misconduct in Science in accordance with Section 7 VerfO (Rules of Procedure)


Regular member of the commission

Prof. Dr. Norbert Schmitz, Institute of Health Sciences
norbert.schmitzspam prevention@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Deputy member of the commission

Prof. Dr. Thomas Euler, Faculty of Medicine
thomas.eulerspam prevention@cin.uni-tuebingen.de



Regular member of the commission

Prof. Dr. Martin Oettel, Department of Physics
martin.oettelspam prevention@ifap.uni-tuebingen.de

Deputy member of the commission

Prof. Dr. Felix Wichmann, Department of Computer Science
felix.wichmannspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


Regular member of the commission

Prof. Dr. Bernd Hecker, Faculty of Law
bernd.heckerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Deputy member of the commission

Prof. Dr. Jens-Hinrich Binder, Faculty of Law
j.binderspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


Regular member of the commission

Dr. Cordula Brand, International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)
cordula.brandspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Deputy member of the commission

Dr. Meike Kammler, Dean's office, Faculty of Science
meike.kammlerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


Regular member of the commission

Prof. Dr. Florian Fricke, University of Hohenheim
w.florian.frickespam prevention@uni-hohenheim.de

Deputy member of the commission

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Falk, University of Mannheim
ulrich.falkspam prevention@uni-mannheim.de

Period in office: March 17, 2023 to March 16, 2026

Related Topics

Research Data Management

​​​​Research Data Management is an important aspect of good scientific practice.

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Open Access

Publicly funded research should be accessible free of charge.

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Attacks on researchers

Information on Good Scientific Practice provided by the Faculties

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