Public Relations Department

Guide to: Social Media und data protection

Submission of topics for the University's central social media channels

Please contact the online editorial office early - at least 2 weeks before the desired date of a post: ordspam
We will advise you on which channels are the right ones for your topic and how to prepare the content appropriately. If you wish to announce conferences or other major public events, we recommend scheduling a first post much earlier (at least 1 month before the date of the event).

If you have already prepared material, you can also send it to ordspam 
2 weeks before the requested date of your post - this still leaves time for consultation and optimization if necessary. On the university's central social media channels, you can get an idea of what our posts usually look like in terms of language and visuals.

Please send a text proposal (Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn: approx. 8 sentences, Bluesky: 256 characters) with a link and, if applicable, an image. Pictures are always helpful and usually also really necessary. Please do not submit stock photos, but self-created images. Sometimes a nice photo you took yourself using your phone camera is sufficient. Please ensure that any persons depicted are not recognizable or have given you written permission for publication. In addition, please state the name of the photographer (copyright holder) when you submit the image.

With regard to image and copyright rights, the following applies: The photographer or copyright holder and any recognizable persons depicted must have consented to the publication of the image for the respective purpose.

In addition to your suggested text, please also let us know which profiles should be tagged in the post with the exact spelling of the respective profiles (e.g. Instagram @universitaet.tuebingen).

Advice on opening a channel for a University institution

If you or your institution/department want to set up your own social media channel, please contact ordspam at an early stage - we will be happy to advise you.

For individual topics, we always recommend first using the University's existing channels, which already have high subscriber numbers and a wide reach. Building reach for new channels can take a long time and be very labor-intensive.

If you decide to set up your own channel after our consultation, the first step is to submit a plan to the Public Relations Department at We will be happy to advise you on what such a plan should look like. This will also help you to consider future content, target groups and workflows (which is important for any kind of communication). We then check the plan and give you feedback and tips.

Design of social media posts

There are essentially only two aspects that need to be observed in the design of University of Tübingen social media posts if you want to submit content for the central channels as an institution of the University of Tübingen or create posts for your own decentralised channel:

  • Only use the 'house fonts' of the University of Tübingen for posts, i.e. the fonts FF Zwo and/or Trajan. If those fonts are not available to you, only the Arial font should be used as a substitute.
  • If possible, omit the University of Tübingen logo from your posts. Since posts are published within a university channel and thus under the umbrella of a university profile picture, it is not necessary to include the logo in posts. If the use of the university logo is desired or required (for example when using an additional partner logo), further rules of corporate design must be observed. Please contact us in this case (designspam

We recommend working with the university's color palette (intranet - login required) when designing posts. The university's corporate fonts and colors are elements of the corporate design and ensure a high recognition value.

Social Media and data protection

For the social media accounts of public institutions (including state-administered universities), state of Baden-Württemberg data protection specifications must be observed. For example, in addition to the mandatory imprint, each channel must also have its own privacy policy, a data protection impact assessment, and a publicly accessible usage concept.

The Public Relations Department has set up the University’s central channels in accordance with these requirements; we can therefore provide templates for these documents which you can adapt for your channel.


Do you have any questions?
Contact the responsible member of the Public Relations Department.

The team

Other areas of responsibility

News and publications
Social Media
Social Media