
When it comes to “retirement at age 63”, what do I need to bear in mind?

As a rule, retirement pensions can be requested from the age of 63. However, this is generally subject to a deduction of 0.3 percent of the pension for each month that is claimed prematurely. However, for those who have been insured for a particularly long time (with 45 years of contributions), depending on the year of birth, an earlier retirement date is possible without or with fewer deductions.

The ver.di retirement pension table (in German only) provides information on when people reach the regular retirement age depending on their year of birth, on the special regulations for severely disabled individuals, on when it is possible to claim a pension without deductions after 45 years of contributions, and on the deductions for claiming retirement pensions prematurely.

What counts towards the 45 years of contributions?

  • Periods with compulsory contributions from employment
  • Periods of marginal employment not subject to compulsory insurance (credited proportionally)
  • Periods with compulsory contributions from self-employment
  • Periods with voluntary contributions, if you have at least 18 years of compulsory contributions from employment or self-employment
  • Periods of compulsory military or civilian service
  • Periods of caring for relatives (on a non-employed basis)
  • Periods of parenting up to the child’s tenth birthday
  • Periods of receiving unemployment benefits, partial unemployment benefits, benefits during illness (e.g., sick pay, injury benefits (Verletztengeld)) or transition benefits (Übergangsgeld)
  • Periods of receiving of benefits for vocational training
  • Periods of receiving short-time compensation (Kurzarbeitergeld), bad weather compensation (Schlechtwettergeld) and winter compensation (Winterausfallgeld)
  • Periods of receiving of insolvency and bankruptcy benefits (Insolvenzgeld and Konkursausfallgeld, in the case of employer insolvency)
  • Periods during which contributions were not paid into the state pension scheme but which nevertheless count towards pension entitlement (Ersatzzeiten)

Note: There is currently no partial retirement scheme for state employees within the scope of the TV-L.

Updated: 08/21

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