Energy-Saving Ideas Competition
Dear Colleagues,
Dear Students,
given the massive rise in prices for gas and electricity, we have to reduce our energy consumption quickly and efficiently. As I am sure you know, the government of Baden-Württemberg expects universities to cut their consumption of electricity and energy for heating by at least 20 percent. I believe we can only achieve this ambitious goal with your help, with the involvement of the staff and students of our university.
Many of you know the university inside out. So I am relying on your experience and knowledge to identify and optimize the necessary savings that we need. As a result, the President’s Office has decided to launch a competition to find the best ideas for energy saving. Our main aim in this is to identify further measures we can implement quickly and easily.
If you have any specific and practical proposals for how the university can reduce its heating and electricity use in the coming weeks, please send them to us by e-mail to hochschulkommunikation no later than December 7, 2022. @uni-tuebingen.de
On December 14, 2022, the President’s Office will review all the ideas that have been submitted. Everyone who takes part in the competition will be included in a raffle for attractive prizes from the Unishop.
Yours sincerely
Professor Dr. Karla Pollmann
(President and Vice-Chancellor)