Student Affairs

Receiving your exam results and Transcript of Records for exchange students

The Central Examination Office can register Exchange Students for exams available in alma that you cannot register for yourself. The Central Examination Office also provides you with a formal transcript at the end of your study period in Tübingen. ​

Exceptions to the exam registration process and/or to receiving your transcript are described in the subsections.

Exam Registration


The following departments have partially/completely differing processes for exam registration. Any departmental deviations will be communicated by those specific departments.

Biology Faculty of Law  Medicine Molecular Medicine / Biomedical Sciences  Pharmazie / Pharmaceutical Sciences Chemistry

WHY do I register for exams?

  • The course exam registration is the admission to the exam and thus mandatory for receiving course exam results.

  • Your lecturer/examiner will be able to enter your course exam results in alma.

WHEN do I register for exams?

During the exam registration period!

  • Regular period (whole University)
    • Winter semesters: 1st Monday in December until mid-January 
    • Summer semesters: 1st Monday in June until mid-July
  • “Make up” exam dates are department specific (e.g. only for exams you failed or could not attend)

WHICH results do I need to register for?

You need to register for all course related examinations you want to receive a result on your transcript for: graded and non-graded results (exams and non-assessed coursework during the semester).

Exceptions will be communicated by the department/examiner.

HOW and WHERE do I register for exams and non-assessed coursework?

There are two methods of registering for exams in alma.

Where possible, it is mandatory to self-register for course related examinations in alma. For all other exams in alma, which are not available to you for self-registration, register via the Exam registration exchange students form.  

  1. First check if the courses/exams are available IN your "Planner of studies with Module plan" and self-register directly in alma in time via:
    alma > My Studies > Planner of studies with Module plan > Structure of examination regulations

    Find detailed (alma) instructions here

  2. Otherwise for courses/exams NOT available in your "Planner of studies with Module plan", register via the "Exam registration" form:
    →  Digitally filled in Exam registration exchange students form sent to exchange-examsspam
    Please note, that you can only be added to exams available in alma.

Important note: Exam registration forms without your signature can ONLY be sent from your University of Tübingen e-mail Account.

For WHICH EXAMS is self-registration possible?

Generally, if you were able to self-register for a course in your “Planner of studies with Module plan”, you will be able to register for the related examination in your “Planner of studies with Module plan”.

You can self-register in alma if:

  • you are part of the same faculty as one of the defined study program offers for exchange students. Defined Study Programs with many exchange students currently are Economics and Business Administration, Management and EconomicsPolitical Science and German Studies (Germanistik).
  • the course examination is part of the non-faculty program available on alma, e.g.: German as a foreign language, foreign language center, Transdisciplinary course program, Center for Information, Communication and Media.  

Additionally, your university course catalogue (Vorlesungsverzeichnis) faculty program for exchange students shows you which courses are directly available for exchange students within your faculty on alma.

What if I did not manage to register for an exam?

  • It depends on your lecturer/examiner if you will still be able to receive a course exam result. Generally, the exam registration is the prerequisite for receiving course exam results.
  • If you can still receive a result, receiving your grades will take longer: Your lecturer/examiner will need to contact the responsible examination officer from their department.
  • Generating your transcript will take longer.

Receiving your Transcript


The following departments have partially/completely differing processes for receiving your transcript. Any departmental deviations will be communicated by those specific departments.

Medicine Moleculare Medicine / Biomedical Sciences Biology Pharmazie/Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty of Law

1. Find your transcript on alma

You will find your transcript here: alma > My Studies > "My Achievements" and there the box „Transcript of Records for Incoming Exchange students“

This transcript shows all examination results provided to the Central Examination Office at that specific point of time. Be aware, that it can take some time until your lecturer/examiner has corrected and uploaded your exam results.

Generally your transcript can only contain exam results processed via alma. The standard transcript you can download from alma yourself as a student shows all passed and failed exams. You can request a transcript with only passed exams when requesting your directly transferred final transcript​.

2. Check your achievments

Before you request your directly transferred final transcript, check if:

  • all grades you achieved are in alma and thus on your transcript​
  • all the ECTS points are correct and as agreed

Please contact the lecturer/examiner if items are missing or incorrect. All issues related to specific exam results (e.g. an ECTS credit or grade on your PDF-transcript is incorrect or not in alma yet) are managed by your lecturer/examiner. The examination office can ONLY upload grades provided by the lecturer/examiner.

3. If required, request directly transferred final transcript

Once all your results are complete in alma you (not your home university) can request your final transcript by sending the form Request for digitaly transferred final transcript to exchange-examsspam

Please ONLY request your directly transferred final transcript when it is complete. If your university requests a transcript before it is complete, please use the standard transcript provided to you on alma.

Your directly transferred final transcript, if necessary, can be sent:

  • as a digital copy of your transcript to a specified mail address at your home university or
  • as a signed hard copy to a specified address at your home university.​

Additional information for employees (only available in German)

General information regarding the management of examinations of exchange students in alma can be found here.

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