Student Affairs

Staff and Consulting Hours in the Central Examinations Office of the University Tübingen, Section Science Subjects and Mathematics

Wilhelmstraße 19, 72074 Tübingen:

First write an e-mail to the responsible person in charge
> Simply tell us your request directly in the e-mail so that we can process it as soon as possible
> We can usually answer your inquiries directly by email
> Please only use your student email address ( when contacting the Examinations Office and state your matriculation number and degree program. You are welcome to attach relevant documents as a scan in advance

Consultation hours by appointment only
> To register for consultation hours, please send an e-mail to the person responsible for you
> Once you have received a confirmation, the appointment is valid


Contact PersonResponsibility / SubjectsPhone
+49 7071
Web links externalE-Mail address
Head of Science Subjects and Mathematics    
Peter SeilerOrganization and coordination29-74239 E-Mail
Administration of Examinations


Course of studies

Tatjana DambergNano Science (BSc, MSc)29-76165 E-Mail
Tatjanja DambergArchaelogical Sciences (BSc, MSc), Palaeolithic Archaeology (MSc), Paleoanthropology (BSc)29-76165 E-Mail
Claudia DöringCognitive Science (BSc, MSc), Machine Learning (MSc)29-77349 E-Mail
Claudia DöringEducational Psychology (MSc)29-77349 E-Mail
Claudia DöringGeography (BSc, BEd, MEd); Human Geography - Global Studies (MA), Physical Geography - Environmental Geography (MSc) - Available by email (Mon and Wed)29-77349 E-Mail
Melanie EhrmannChemistry (BSc, MSc); Teaching degree Chemistry please see above Ms. Tanja Mader29-72435InformationE-Mail
Mine EliuzBiochemistry (BSc, MSc) - Available by email (Mon and Thu)29-72451InformationE-Mail
Sandra GrahlMathematics (BSc, MSc, Teaching Degrees), Physics (BSc, MSc), Advanced Quantum Physics (MSc), Astro and Particle Physics (MSc), Mathematical Physics (MSc)29-76168 E-Mail
Nicole GrauerPsychology (BSc, MSc)29-75091 E-Mail
Nicole GrauerComputer Science (Master);
Computer Science (Bachelor) please see below Ms. Manuela Wieder
29-75091 E-Mail
Tanja MaderTeaching degree subjects Faculty of Science: Astronomy, Chemistry, Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Technology, Physics29-76167 E-Mail
Susanne MischorrBioinformatics (BSc, MSc)29-75991 E-Mail
Susanne MischorrComputer Science and Media (BSc, MSc)29-75991 E-Mail
Susanne MischorrMedical Informatics (BSc, MSc)29-75991 E-Mail
Peter SeilerBiology (Teaching degrees)29-74239 E-Mail
Elke WengerBiology (BSc, MSc)29-76136 E-Mail
Elke WengerGeosciences (BSc, MSc), Geoecology (BSc, MSc), Environmental Sciences (BSc), Applied Environmental Geosciences (MSc)29-76136 E-Mail
Manuela WiederComputer Science (Bachelor);
Computer Science (Master) please see above Ms. Nicole Grauer
Service bureau -
office hours
Conact - Please note: No issuing of certificates, Transcipts of Records or similar. Outside of opening hours, documents can also be posted via the outside letterbox (at the main entrance of Wilhelmstraße 19, to the right of the entrance door).-- E-Mail

Further information on each subject's examination office here.

Project: New Campussystem - "alma"





Instuctions for alma portal 

and FAQs for students


Consulting Hours for Students

Consulting hours from 1 October 2024 to 13 Dezember 2024.
Restricted operation: 16.12. - 19.12.2024; Christmas break 20.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Please take care of your examination matters in good time!

Note: Personal consultation is only possible by prior appointment. PLEASE SEND AN E-MAIL to the responsible member of staff in the Examinations Office.



(No consulting)

10 to 1210 to 1210 to 1210 to 12closed 
Ms. DambergContactby email    
Ms. DöringContactby emai    
Ms. EhrmannContactby email   03.03.-07.03.25
Ms. EliuzContactby email    
Ms. GrahlContactby email    
Ms. GrauerContactby email   27.01.-12.02.25
Ms. MaderContactby email    
Ms. MischorrContactby email    
Mr. SeilerContactby email    
Ms. WengerContactby email    
Ms. WiederContactby email    

*Transcripts cannot be issued by the service bureau.
** Please check with your alternative contact person if he/she is able to process your request.
*** Please send an email paspam
# If necessary, please contact the student advisor (Study Programs).
## From and presumably until the end of the summer semester 20xx.

Further information on office hours for students in each subject here. (Contact persons/offices).

General Education Sector (BWBS, EPG, MPK) in the teaching degree according to GymPO and BWBS at Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)

Ms. Junk's office is located in Wilhelmstraße 19, 72074 Tübingen, Appointment by prior arrangement, Phone 07071/29-76746, E-Mail: Individual coursework summaries for General Education can also be issued by Ms. Mader (see above).

Consulting Hours     Target Group
Ms. Junk   Agreement by e-mail teaching degree students (all subjects)

State teaching degree - Opening hours for examinations office according to WPO and GymPO

Teaching degree students in any subject can make enquiries of Ms. Wache during his office hours, no appointment necessary. Regional council, Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40, 72072 Tübingen, ground floor, room E03a. Registration forms for your thesis can be handed in there.

Consulting Hours   Monday to Friday Target Group
Ms. Wache   09:00-11:30am teaching degree students of all subjects

Information on Teaching Degree Programs at the Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)

Advising and Assistance: Office Hours. Please sign in at the door of room no. 005, Wilhelmstr. 31 or send an email to (see TüSE).

Consulting Hours   Monday to Thursday Target Group
Ms. Kastl,
Ms. Christ

Monday 01-04pm

Tuesday 0-11:30am or 01-04pm
Wednesday 10-11:30am or 01-04pm
Thursday 10-11:30am

teaching degree students of all subjects


BEd: Bachelor of Education

MEd: Master of Education

BSc: Bachelor of Science

MSc: Master of Science

MA: Master of Arts

Mag.: Magister (expiring)

Dipl.: Diplom (expiring)

LA Gym: Teaching degree at secondary schools (Lehramt an Gymnasien) (expiring)

LA BrS: Higher teaching post in professional schools (Höheres Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen) (expiring)

GymPO: Secondary School exam regulations (since winter semester 2010/2011) (Gymnasiallehrerprüfungsordnung) (expiring)

WPO:Scientific exam regulations teching degree (expiring) (Wissenschaftliche Prüfungsordnung Lehramtsstudium) (expiring)

StEx: State Examination (Staatsexamen)

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