Public Relations Department

Guide to: Announcing dates

How to announce public and media-public events at the University of Tübingen

Are you planning an event and need support with communication? The online editorial team will be happy to help you announce your event in the university's online media. The precondition is the timely submission of the event data and information to ordspam

Which events may be advertised?
Events that take place in Tübingen and events where an institution of the University of Tübingen is one of the main organisers.

The online media

Calendar of events

Lectures, conferences or exhibition launches organized by University of Tübingen institutions and which take place in Tübingen may be listed in the online calendar of events.
Important: The events must be public. Non-University members living in Tübingen also use the calendar of events.

How to list an event: The faculties – and some interfaculty institutes and central institutions conducting a large number of public events – can enter dates themselves. The online editorial team merely checks and publishes these dates. An overview of the responsible editors in the faculties is available online: Online editors in the faculties

All other public events are entered by the central online editorial team, E-mail ordspam

For exhibitions, only the opening/vernissage is entered as a single date in the calendar of events. For the framework dates of the exhibitions, due to their duration of several months, there is the separate website "Aktuelle Ausstellungen". For an entry please contact ordspam

The dates for the following week are sent to the media once a week – on Wednesdays – in the "Topics & Dates" format, based on the calendar of events. So please make sure to enter your date by Monday evening for the following week so that it can be included in the “Topics & Dates” circular.

Topics and Dates

This weekly schedule for the local media consists of the dates for the coming week. It is always sent to the media on Wednesdays. The dates are taken from the central calendar of events.

Only dates that have been entered into the calendar of events by Monday of the week prior to an event at the latest can be included in "Topics & Dates".

Inviting the media to events

Invitations from editorial offices to events open to the media are possible via our weekly "Topics and Dates" appointment service. In rare cases, the University Communications Department issues invitations by press release (central events of the University, press conferences, prominent guests, topics of broad public interest). Please contact for this with at least two weeks' notice: pressespam


Social Media

The online editorial team is responsible for the University of Tübingen's central social media. Please inform the online editorial team as early as possible - at least 2 weeks before the event - by sending an email to ordspam with details of the event. This way, one or, if necessary, several posts/tweets can be planned editorially.

More information is available online:

Digital notice boards

The following can be announced on the DSB Infoscreens:

  • Events that are of central importance to the university, are public and/or address a large group of people at the University of Tübingen
  • Important short messages from the administration that affect a large proportion of students and/or employees
  • The announcement of exhibitions offered by university institutions in university buildings.

Please send the event data for a spot creation to the online editorial team by e-mail to ordspam at least 2 weeks before the planned start.

Detailed information on what data is needed, which university buildings are equipped with DSB Infoscreens and on how to obtain new DSBs is available online:


Do you have any questions?
Contact the responsible member of the Public Relations Department.

The team

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Social Media
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