


Interdisciplinary workshop “Trust-Building in International Relations: The Relevance of Ambiguity” at the RTG

On Friday, 3 November 2017, the RTG 1808 hosted the interdisciplinary workshop “Trust-Building in International Relations: The Relevance of Ambiguity”, created and organized by RTG members Elias Güthlein and Sofiya Kartalova. International experts from UN, GIZ and various universities shed light on the role of ambiguity for a trust-based, cooperative relationship on an international level. The main aim of the workshop was to explore the relevance of the phenomenon of ambiguity for the trust-building process in international relations, from the perspective of International Politics, Law and Rhetoric. The workshop included talks by junior and senior academics as well as experts with extensive practical experience. The guest speakers draw their professional experience from educational, governmental or private institutions on national or international level. For more information, including the workshop programme and a list of <link file:422991 download herunterladen der datei>abstracts, please click <link file:428784 file>here. We would like to thank our speakers once again for their interesting talks as well as for the productive discussion and lively/amicable atmosphere! It was a truly insightful and wonderful workshop!
