
Tübingen RDM Days 2024

Tools & Perspectives

The Tübingen Days for Research Data Management (short: RDM Days) provide an opportunity for all researchers and interested persons to learn about current services, developments, and issues in the field of research data management.

The event focuses on a different topic each year.
This year, the RDM Days will take place on July 18th and 19th under the overarching motto "Tools & Perspectives".

This year's event will feature virtual short-lectures, presentations and workshops with lots of room for questions and discussions. An evening networking event will further offer the opportunity to connect with the speakers as well as other researchers.

Zoom-Login Details

The Zoom-login details for RDM Days 2024 are available via the intranet.
To access the information, please log-in with your ZDV-login here.

Event Program

Day 1: Toolbox & Strategies

Thursday, July 18th, 2024

10:00 am - 5:20 pm program (via Zoom)
Topics (selection):

  • RDM basics
  • Good Scientific Practice
  • Dr. Eberle Center for Digital Competence
  • FAIR research data in plant sciences
  • HPC computing
  • FDAT repository of the university
  • RDMO DMP-organizer
  • offers of the University Library
  • virtual research environment Spacialist

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm networking event (in person, registration required)
Location: Liebermeisterstr. 18 (new building Theologicum)

Day 2: (Inter)national Perspectives

Friday, July 19th, 2024

10:00 am - 3:30 pm program (via Zoom)
Topics (selection):

  • RDM at Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien (IWM)
  • RDM at International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)
  • Helmholtz Open Science
  • Research Data Alliance (RDA)
  • German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)
  • European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

Detailed Event Program

Day 1: Thursday, July 18th, 2024


Day 1 "Toolbox & Strategies": 18th July 2024, Zoom Lecturer Time

Prof. Dr. Peter Grathwohl
(Vice-Rector of Research and Innovation)

10:00 am

Opening Talk:
Introduction to Research Data Management & Good Scientific Practice at the University

Besides providing basic knowledge on the subject of research data management (RDM), the connection between RDM and good scientific practice will be explained. In addition, structures and services at the university will be highlighted.

Dr. Holger Gauza,
Dr. Martina Bross,

Jennifer Esslinger

10:10 am

Short Lecture:
The Dr. Eberle Center for Digital Competence

The center offers students and young researchers from all disciplines at the University of Tübingen a wide range of courses to familiarize themselves with methods and tools for the acquisition, processing, analysis, visualization and sustainable storage of digital data.

Dr. Michael Derntl

10:50 am

Short Lecture:
FAIR Research Data in Plant Science

The presentation shows the curation of research data from botanical research according to the FAIR principles: the data was annotated and stored in such a way that it is findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable at any time.

Dr. Ursula Eberhardt 11:10 am
10min Break   11:30 am

Short Lecture:
High Performance Computing (HPC)

High-performance computing (HPC) refers to computer-assisted calculations, i.e. computing tasks that require high computing power and/or storage capacity. The university offers various services in this area.

Dr. Jens Krüger

11:40 am

Short Lecture:
Project EOSC Life

The EU-funded project is designed to bring together 13 Europe-wide bioscience research institutions within the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures to create an open, digital, collaborative space for bioscience research.

Dr. Jens Krüger 12:00

Short Lecture:

Project EOSC Hub / Language Resource Switchboard

The Language Resource Switchboard gives users the opportunity to connect their language resources with software-based tools that can process these resources in a variety of ways.
The switchboard thus serves as a tool hub that makes the selection and invocation of tools considerably easier. Tool developers are given a prominent, central showcase that increases the visibility and applicability of the tool. The switchboard will be shown in a live demo within this short presentation.

Dr. Claus Zinn 12:20 pm

Short Lecture:    - presentation cancelled -

The IT unit (GB-IT) at University Hospital (UKT) and Medical Faculty

GB-IT pools all of the University Hospital's activities in the field of information technology and is therefore the point of contact for all general questions concerning secure data storage in the life sciences.

Helmut Mang 12:40 pm
1h Lunch Break   1:00 pm


FDAT - Research Data Archive Tübingen

The university's research data repository provides services and technical infrastructure for long-term archiving and re-use of research data for all disciplines.

Dr. Steve Kaminski 2:00 pm


RDMO - Research Data Management Organizer

With its own instance of the Research Data Management Organizer, the university offers a tool for creating data management plans (DMP). RDMO contains templates from various third-party funders.

Dr. Steve Kaminski 2:45 pm
10min Break   3:30 pm


VRE Spacialist - Virtual Research Environment for the Spatial Humanities

Spacialist is a virtual research environment (VRE) for all spatial humanities. VREs are developed to conduct research together from different locations at the same time.

Severin Opel 3:40 pm


Offers of the University Library (UB)

As part of the University's Center for Information, Communication and Media (IKM), the University Library offers numerous services in the field of RDM, e.g. in the areas of open access, copyright and licensing law, persistent identifiers, digitization of publications, open educational resources and specialised information services (FIDs).

Olaf Brandt 4:25 pm
Overall Presentation of the Event & Farewell Prof. Dr. Thomas Walter
(CIO of the university and head of ZDV)
5:10 pm

Networking Event (in person, registration required)

The networking event is intended to enable a personal exchange with each other as well as with Tübingen's RDM experts. The meeting will take place as a standing reception without a formal program.

Liebermeisterstr. 18 (new building Theologicum)
7:00 - 9:00 pm

Day 2: Friday, July 19th, 2024


Day 2 "(Inter)national Perspectives": 19th July 2024, Zoom Lecturer Time
Introduction Prof. Dr. Peter Grathwohl (Vice-Rector of Research and Innovation) 10:00 am 

Research Data Management at Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien (IWM)

Presentation of the organization and structures of research data management at the IWM. IWM is part of the Tübingen Research Campus (TRC) and explores how digital media influence knowledge and communication processes.

Dr. Nora Wickelmaier 10:10 am


Research Data Management - How to Start? A Workshop Report from the International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)

Presentation of the implementation of RDM structures and strategies at IZEW. The IZEW is an interdisciplinary research center of the university for ethical questions arising in and from academia.

Dr. Marcel Vondermaßen 10:50 am
10min Break   11:30 am


Helmholtz Open Science Office

The Office supports the Helmholtz Association as a service provider in shaping the cultural change towards Open Science and promotes the visibility of Helmholtz at national and international level in the field of Open Science in line with the Helmholtz mission.

Marc Lange & Marcel Meistring 11:40 am


Research Data Alliance (RDA)

The mission of the RDA is to facilitate the sharing and reuse of data. The German RDA community organizes events on the topic of data management and is structured as an association.

Dr. Raphael Ritz 12:20 pm
1h Lunch Break   1:00 pm


Perspectives of the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

The presentation will provide insights into current and planned developments of the NFDI, which is funded by the federal and state governments, from the perspective of the German Research Foundation (DFG).


Dr. Lina Wedrich 2:00 pm


The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
EOSC is a joint project of the European Commission, the Member States and the European Research Community to facilitate access to data and data management services in the spirit of Open Science.

Prof. Dr. Klaus Tochtermann 2:40 pm
Overall Presentation of the Event & Farewell Olaf Brandt
(Head of UB IT-division)
3:20 pm


Tübingen RDM Days

Target Group: all researchers and interested persons at the university
Platform: Zoom, evening event in person
Event Language: German, slides English
Costs: none (free of charge)


Register here  


Registration Deadline: July 10th, 2024

 Registration is possible for either one or both days as well as the evening event.

 The linked registration form leads to the third-party provider eveeno; information on the use of your data can be found in the participant statement.


Links to past
Tübingen RDM Days:

RDM Days 2021  

RDM Days 2022  

RDM Days 2023  



rdmspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de 
+49 7071 29-75082