
International Mentoring Program - sharing knowledge across generations

The international mentoring program takes place as a pilot project within the framework of Research and Innovation Strategy for CIVIS (RIS4CIVIS), which supports the research and innovation dimension of the CIVIS Alliance. 
RIS4CIVIS is funded by the European Commission and addresses the development of a research and innovation strategy to implement the common development goals in research and innovation in different areas. 

The pilot program connects researchers at the late PhD and early postdoc stages with international mentors from academia, industry, and the public sector. The mentees start in October 2022 with a workshop to determine their location and goals and then independently contact possible mentors from the desired field. For the University of Tübingen, 10 places are available for which interested parties can apply. You can find more information in the brochure or on the website of the Civis Alliance:


Applications will be accepted starting August 17, 2022 via the online form below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the persons listed below.




17.08.- 03.10.2022
Application period for mentees
17.10.2022 9 am-5 pm
Kick-off Workshop

Kick-off workshop to determine the location and goals of the mentees

Contact Mentors

independent contacting of mentors

01.2023- 06.2023
Active Mentoringphase

March: Midterm meeting 27.03.2022, 9 am-12 am, online

26.06.2023 9 am- 1 pm
Final meeting and end of the pilot phase

Application form for the international mentoring program

Due to a technical problem, the application is possible only via the German version of this page: Click here for the german version
The application form is available in english and in german. We apologize for the inconveniences.

Your contact persons

Dr. Christian Vöhringer

Nationale Forschungsförderung

+49 7071 29-77585
