Termination of enrollment
If you are a student and wish to terminate your enrollment at the University of Tübingen, you can do so at any time via Student Administration. Students usually terminate their enrollment when they finish their studies (having successfully completed a final examination). If you have finished your studies but do not actively take this step, we will terminate your enrollment automatically at the next end of semester (March 31 for winter semester or September 30 for summer semester). You cannot terminate your enrollment retroactively to a date in the past.
You can apply now to terminate your enrollment for the end of the semester.
If you will soon finish your studies and wish to terminate your enrollment, e.g. to avoid paying the fees, please check first with your examinations office; you may lose your right to be examined if you terminate your enrollment too soon. Student Administration cannot answer this question.
Access to electronic services after de-registration
You will still have access to ALMA and the student email address for six weeks after the de-registration date. The ZDV will then inform you by email a few days before the expiry date about the binding end date. After this date, access is no longer possible and your stored data will be deleted.
On the other hand, you only have access to many external services that the university charges for until the date of de-registration. After this date, access will be blocked without further notice.
The examiners and examination offices have access to the student data even after de-registration and can then continue to record achievements, issue ToR and certificates.
Termination of enrollment application
Student Administration must receive an application for termination of enrollment from you - including a discharge note from the University Library confirming that you have no outstanding fees or unreturned materials (Entlastungsvermerk).
Please use this online application whenever possible ( * are mandatory fields). You will then receive a confirmation email and your application will be sent directly to the University Library. If all fees have been paid and media returned, the Library will then forward the application to Student Administration. From there you will receive your termination of enrollment notice.
You will need a termination of enrollment notice if you wish to enroll at another university.
You do not need to submit any other documents for termination of enrollment. You may keep your student ID card as a momento.
Access to online services following termination of enrollment
You will still have access to ALMA and your student email address for one month after your enrollment termination date. The IT Center (ZDV) will then inform you by email of the date on which your access will end.
However, you only have access to Illias and many external services for which the University charges a fee until two weeks after your termination of enrollment date. After that, access will be blocked without further notice.
Further information on termination of enrollment
If you still have copy credit, you can have it paid out at the Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim Servicepoint at the canteen (Mensa). Details here: Servicepoint address and opening hours.
The administration fee of €70 can only be refunded if the student terminates enrollment no later than one month after the start of the lecture period. For this, a fully completed application for termination of enrollment must be received by Student Administration (cutoff date!). If you terminate your enrollment before the start of the semester, we will automatically transfer the €70 back to your account. If your bank details have changed or you have paid in cash, please inform us in writing of your current bank details so that repayment can go ahead. If you terminate your enrollment after the start of the semester, you must apply for repayment in writing: Application for refund of tution fee / administration fee
If you have already paid the semester fee (currently €84.80) for the next semester, the following applies for repayment: If you terminate your enrollment by the end of the previous semester, we will automatically transfer the money back to your account. If you terminate your enrollment after the start of the semester, this money may be refunded by the Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim in certain cases upon written application. Details are available in the Student Services regulations. A copy of the termination of enrollment notice must be submitted with the application. The contact person is Ms. Romeser Student Services Tübingen-Hohenheim AöR, Friedrichstr. 21, 72072 Tübingen, phone: 07071 29 73839, Email:
If you have already paid the €12 fee for the student union, the following applies for repayment: If you terminate your enrollment before the end of the previous semester, we will automatically transfer the money back to your account. If you terminate your enrollment after the start of the semester, this money may be refunded in certain cases upon written application. Please contact the Verfassten Studierendenschaft (Student Union) directly.
If you do not want to or cannot use our online application, you can find the printable application here:
Application for termination of enrollment
You can send the application (completed PDF without signature or scan or photo) by email to the University Library, preferably from your student email address:
You can also go to the University Library during opening hours to obtain the discharge note or send the application to the Universitätsbibliothek, Leihstelle, Postfach 2620, 72016 Tübingen. If you have no outstanding fees or unreturned media, the University Library will then add a discharge note to your application and forward the application to Student Administration. You will then receive your termination of enrollment notice by post from Student Administration.
The University of Tübingen wishes you all the best for the future.
If you wish to remain associated with the University of Tübingen, you have two options:
UTA Universität Tübingen Alumni, Rümelinstr. 27, 72070 Tübingen, email or
Membership in the Friends of the University of Tübingen, Universitätsbund (Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V.), Wilhelmstraße 7, 72074 Tübingen, Telefax 07071 29 5995, Email .
Please state your application no. or student ID number, if available.
Postal address
Wilhelmstrasse 19
72074 Tübingen, Germany
+49 7071 29-74444
Monday - Friday:
8.30 - 11.30 a.m.
Monday - Thursday:
13.00 - 15.00 a.m.
Fax: +49 7071 29-5550
Office hours: