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€250,000 Anneliese Maier Research Award

Canadian Religious Studies Professor Pamela Klassen collaborates with Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

The Humboldt Foundation’s 2015 Anneliese Maier Research Award goes to Canadian Religious Studies Professor Pamela Klassen, currently a visiting professor at the University of Tübingen. The prize money of €250,000 will be used to finance joint research with Professor Monique Scheer at the Tübingen Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology.

Professor Klassen is based at the University of Toronto and is a leading expert on the modern religions of North America. Her research looks at the phenomena of everyday religion, focusing on questions of religion and medicine, women and religion, and today’s Christianity. In Tübingen, she is helping to internationalize ethnographic and historical approaches to the study of religion in multireligious societies.

Professor Klassen spent time in Tübingen in 2011 as a Humboldt Fellow and will now work more closely with cultural anthropologist Monique Scheer, teaching and conducting research here for several weeks at a time over five years. The two researchers plan to examine in detail aspects of religion and public remembrance in multicultural societies.

The Humboldt Foundation makes the annual Anneliese Maier Research Award to researchers from abroad from the fields of the humanities and social sciences whose collaboration with colleagues in Germany can be expected to result in the further internationalization of those fields in Germany.


Prof. Dr. Monique Scheer
University of Tübingen
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft
Phone +49 7071 29-72373
<link mail ein fenster zum versenden der>monique.scheer[at]uni-tuebingen.de

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Public Relations Department
Dr. Karl Guido Rijkhoek
Antje Karbe
Press Officer
Phone +49 7071 29-76789
Fax +49 7071 29-5566
<link http: www.uni-tuebingen.de aktuell>www.uni-tuebingen.de/aktuell

