
PhD Student Forum


Topic: Dialect and standard language

 Tuesday, 22.02.2022, 3 pm - 6 pm

 The PhD student forum is open to all registered participants of the annual conference. A separate registration is not required.

All talks will be given in German.


Dr. Rudolf Bühler (Arbeitsstelle Sprache in Südwestdeutschland, Tübingen):
Alles außer Hochdeutsch? Zur Erforschung regionaler Varietäten an der Tübinger Arbeitsstelle Sprache in Südwestdeutschland
Slides (pdf)
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Ellen Brandner (Universität Stuttgart):
Dos and Don'ts bei der Erhebung dialektaler Daten
Slides (pdf)
Dr. Simon Pröll (LMU München):
So viele Daten, so wenig Zeit – quantitative Wege aus der Variationshölle 
Slides will follow

Dialects are commonly regarded as deviations from a standard. An alternative approach is to regard standard language itself a variety that displays regional features. This would explain why we do in fact find regional differences in “standard” utterances. So is there only one standard language? And how can we identify differences in regional and standard varieties?
In the DGfS PhD Forum, we shall take the relation of standard German and regional German varieties as a starting point to then address methodological issues in empirical studies. There will be three talks on three different levels of empirical work. These will range from the theory-based development of questionnaires to the formation of dialectal corpora and linguistic atlases. Finally, we will address the question how the elicited data on regional variation can be analysed and how the results can be processed and illustrated.
The focus on methodological issues makes the workshop interesting and profitable for all kinds of empirical researchers, not only for those linguists who are interested in German dialects.