Public Relations Department

Guide to: Organizing events

Are you planning an event at the University of Tübingen and looking for answers to organizational questions? The following overview provides helpful information on the individual planning areas for a successful event:

Room allocation and rental

Rooms at the University of Tübingen may be reserved via the central room allocation

Tübingen-Hohenheim Student Services : Information on room rental

Spatial accessibility: The requirements for spatial accessibility should be clarified in advance of an event. Here is a list of buildings with wheelchair access.

Media equipment, recording event and internet

Media equipment
The University's media equipment team looks after audio and video systems in centrally managed lecture halls and seminar rooms and supports you at events in these rooms.

The Center for Media Competence (ZfM) provides advice on livestream and hybrid events and lends out equipment. Equipment and staff may be booked for a fee.

The IT Center (ZDV) creates lecture and event recordings for the 'timms on demand platform' in cooperation with the speakers/lecturers. Over 6000 videos of lectures, events etc. are available on this Tübingen internet multimedia server.

The internet and events
The IT Center (ZDV) will provide network access via a landline and WLAN access for your event.

Media accessibility: The requirements for media accessibility should be clarified in advance of an event. Here is an overview of the event rooms with inductive listening systems.

Food and drinks

If you commission an external catering and party service of your choice for events, please observe the University's procurement guidelines.

Please note that there are strict limits on paying for hospitality for guests. This also applies to academic events. We therefore advise you to plan a budget for food and beverages when planning a conference or meeting and to cover the corresponding costs via a participants’ fee. If you wish to use university budget funds for catering, you are bound by the relevant guidelines of the state of Baden-Württemberg. Please refer to the circular 'Rundschreiben 20/2018 zu Bewirtungs- und Repräsentationsausgaben' and Ergänzung zum Rundschreiben Nr. 20/2018 on hospitality and representation expenses. If you would like to use existing third-party funds for hospitality, please check in advance whether - and within what limits - the guidelines of your sponsor permit hospitality.

Service for central administration employees: The Public Relations Department’s event managers will be happy to advise you on catering for central administration events organized:  veranstaltungenspam

Faculty of Medicine:
The Faculty of Medicine has its own regulations and requirements regarding catering etc. and may have different limits on spending. Please contact the Faculty of Medicine for further information.


It is difficult to get external funding for individual events, as only selected foundations (e.g. Thyssen Foundation, VW Foundation) offer such programs, and these are usually limited in terms of topic or subject. The DFG offers co-financing for large international conferences only ( If third-party funding has been raised and approved for the event or if participant fees are charged, please refer to the circular 15 dated 02.09.2019 and the accompanying information sheet:

You should therefore ensure that there is a sufficient budget for events when applying for research projects. Another option is to apply for funding from the chair's or department's budget.

Within the University, postdocs may apply for funding for „Summer & Winter Schools“ and doctoral candidates for "Workshops". The University also offers the opportunity to organize events with strategically important partner institutions via the "International Joint Summer Schools & Workshops" program.

If you have any questions about funding for events, please contact the research funding team: forschungsfoerderungspam For intramural programs, please contact: exuspam


If your University event cannot be fully financed from the budget or from third-party funds, you may applied for funds from the Friends of the University of Tübingen Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V. (Universitätsbund). In addition to content-related criteria, approval is dependent on the available funds (competitive application procedure). The following items are excluded from funding: catering, conference dinners, gifts, accompanying tourist programs, University positions. Further information and application forms on the Universitätsbund website.


Please note that there are strict limits on paying for hospitality for guests. This also applies to academic events. We therefore advise you to plan a budget for food and beverages when planning a conference or meeting and to cover the corresponding costs via a participants’ fee. If you wish to use university budget funds for catering, you are bound by the relevant guidelines of the state of Baden-Württemberg. Please refer to the circular 'Rundschreiben 20/2018 zu Bewirtungs- und Repräsentationsausgaben' on hospitality and representation expenses. If you would like to use existing third-party funds for hospitality, please check in advance whether - and within what limits - the guidelines of your sponsor permit hospitality.

Conference and presentation materials

The University of Tübingen has a selection of conference and presentation materials as well as some giveaways available for your events. Depending on the item, you can obtain these from the Unishop, University Communications or the Buildings Management Centers at the Neue Aula and Morgenstelle.

Templates for display at events:

Photo and image rights

Important! Please note: Persons may not be photographed, filmed, recorded or otherwise portrayed without their consent (right to one's own image, data protection). When photographing minors, the prior consent of the legal guardians is also required.

The rights to the photo, film and/or sound recordings made belong to those responsible for the recordings (photographers, filmmakers, filmmakers, etc.) as the authors.

Any violation of these rights may have legal and financial (payment of damages) consequences.
We recommend that you do the following when holding events: Point out in the invitation letter, at the beginning of the event and in the notice below that photographs and/or filming will take place.

Templates for display at events:
Please write the relevant contact information onto the templates.

Further information on copyright, rights to own image etc. at Web-Styleguide. In case of doubt, the University of Tübingen’s legal experts can advise you on these issues.

Event publicity and reporting

Event publicity

Templates: The University of Tübingen's corporate design provides employees with templates for print, such as brochures, flyers, invitations, reply cards, folding cards and banners.

Communicating dates: Announcement options for public and media events.

Post-event reporting

Post-event reporting on meetings and conferences, and events at the University of Tübingen may be published online in the ‘attempto online’ portal:

Use of music

University of Tübingen employees - Log in for to information on the use of music at events.



University of Tübingen intranet login required to view the content.


If you have any queries etc., please get in touch with the relevant contact persons listed on the relevant pages.

The event management team at the Public Relations Department organizes central events on behalf of the President and the University administration.

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