It is difficult to get external funding for individual events, as only selected foundations (e.g. Thyssen Foundation, VW Foundation) offer such programs, and these are usually limited in terms of topic or subject. The DFG offers co-financing for large international conferences only ( If third-party funding has been raised and approved for the event or if participant fees are charged, please refer to the circular 15 dated 02.09.2019 and the accompanying information sheet:
You should therefore ensure that there is a sufficient budget for events when applying for research projects. Another option is to apply for funding from the chair's or department's budget.
Within the University, postdocs may apply for funding for „Summer & Winter Schools“ and doctoral candidates for "Workshops". The University also offers the opportunity to organize events with strategically important partner institutions via the "International Joint Summer Schools & Workshops" program.
If you have any questions about funding for events, please contact the research funding team: forschungsfoerderungspam For intramural programs, please contact: exuspam
If your University event cannot be fully financed from the budget or from third-party funds, you may applied for funds from the Friends of the University of Tübingen Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V. (Universitätsbund). In addition to content-related criteria, approval is dependent on the available funds (competitive application procedure). The following items are excluded from funding: catering, conference dinners, gifts, accompanying tourist programs, University positions. Further information and application forms on the Universitätsbund website.
Please note that there are strict limits on paying for hospitality for guests. This also applies to academic events. We therefore advise you to plan a budget for food and beverages when planning a conference or meeting and to cover the corresponding costs via a participants’ fee. If you wish to use university budget funds for catering, you are bound by the relevant guidelines of the state of Baden-Württemberg. Please refer to the circular 'Rundschreiben 20/2018 zu Bewirtungs- und Repräsentationsausgaben' on hospitality and representation expenses. If you would like to use existing third-party funds for hospitality, please check in advance whether - and within what limits - the guidelines of your sponsor permit hospitality.