
What should I do in case of a workplace/commuting accident?

Workplace accidents always have to be reported, either via an entry in the ‘Verbandbuch’ (first-aid book) or via an ‘Unfallanzeige’ (accident report). An accident report is required if you are unable to work for more than three days and is also recommended if you consult a doctor. In the case of (apparently) minor injuries, an entry in the first-aid book is sufficient. Despite the name ‘Verbandbuch’ (first-aid book), any workplace injuries that are not reported as accidents must be documented here. The first-aid book entry is sent to the department of occupational safety where it is filed (they are no longer collected and stored in the secretariat as they used to be).

The same applies to a commuting accident. You should also report such accidents in your own interest (either as an accident report or a first aid book entry), even if the health consequences of the accident initially seem benign. If any health impairments occur at a later date that could result in benefits from the accident insurance organization, it is essential that the accident is documented comprehensively. This is also important in light of the fact that the benefits paid by the accident insurance organization generally differ significantly from those paid by the statutory health insurance providers.

Commuting accidents are generally only insured on the direct route to and from the workplace. Exceptions include detours to drop off or pick up children at a childcare facility or for carpooling. If you deviate from the route for private reasons, e.g., to go shopping, this detour is not insured – however, if the direct route is resumed within two hours, the insurance cover recommences when the direct route is resumed.

The university is covered by the accident insurance organization Unfallkasse Baden-Württemberg (UKBW). The State Office for Salaries and Pensions (LBV) is liable for civil servants.

For employees in the “home office” (i.e., those who telework or work remotely), the same insurance coverage applies as for employees who work on-site, since June 2021. This means that now the journey from the “home office” to daycare is also insured, as well as the routes to go eat something and to the toilet (note: the private activity itself, such as eating, is still not insured!).

How is an Accident Reported?

The ‘Unfallanzeige’ (accident report) form must be filled out and submitted to human resources. The form is available via the following two links:

The form can be completed either by the injured party or their supervisor and is then submitted to human resources by the supervisor. Human resources will forward the form to the UKBW or, for civil servants, to the LBV. The staff council is also involved in the process.

Further Information

Additional detailed information is available on the website of the occupational health service (Betriebsärztlicher Dienst), including information on seeing an accident insurance consultant (Durchgangsarzt): https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/254858 

Updated: 02/2024

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