


Sofiya Kartalova at conference of ILLA in Freiburg

Our RTG member Sofiya Kartalova (Law) attended the conference “Language and Law in a World of Media, Globalisation and Social Conflicts. Refounding the International Language and Law Association (ILLA) to make law more transparent”, organised by the International Language and Law Association (ILLA). The ILLA conference took place on 7th – 9th September 2017 at University of Freiburg, Germany. Sofiya presented a paper on the topic of “The Strategic Value of Ambiguity for the Authority of EU Law in the Dialogue between the European Court of Justice and the National Courts”, with an emphasis on the example of Stefano Melloni v Ministerio Fiscal (Case C-399/11, 2013), as part of Panel: “Pragmatics in Legal Linguistics”. Additionally, she participated in the ILLA Junior Researcher Panel at the conference.
