The core target group of the certificate program "Science Communication and Media Competence" at the University of Tübingen are postdoctoral researchers and junior professors (PhD researchers will be accepted in exceptional cases). The program helps the researchers to
- create more interest and attention for their research and underline its relevance,
- increase their visibility in the media and promote their personal career development,
- get to know different formats and media of science communication and use their potential successfully,
- formulate addressee-oriented core messages and develop effective visualizations and communication designs,
- find their own role, topic and approach regarding science communication.
As a part of the overarching communication concept Sharing Knowledge, the certificate program is developed and run by the Presentation Research Center (at the Department of General Rhetoric) and organized in cooperation with the Graduate Academy.
The program provides a diverse range of courses in a modular structure, allowing participants to set their individual emphasis in acquiring skills and covering topics that are particularly relevant to them.
The courses are predominantly conducted in English.
The application phase for 2025 is from 1.02.2024 - 16.03.2025.