
Certificate Program Science Communication and Media Competence

The core target group of the certificate program "Science Communication and Media Competence" at the University of Tübingen are postdoctoral researchers and junior professors (PhD researchers will be accepted in exceptional cases). The program helps the researchers to

  • create more interest and attention for their research and underline its relevance,
  • increase their visibility in the media and promote their personal career development,
  • get to know different formats and media of science communication and use their potential successfully,
  • formulate addressee-oriented core messages and develop effective visualizations and communication designs,
  • find their own role, topic and approach regarding science communication.

As a part of the overarching communication concept Sharing Knowledge, the certificate program is developed and run by the Presentation Research Center (at the Department of General Rhetoric) and organized in cooperation with the Graduate Academy.

The program provides a diverse range of courses in a modular structure, allowing participants to set their individual emphasis in acquiring skills and covering topics that are particularly relevant to them.

The courses are predominantly conducted in English.

The application phase for 2025 is from 1.02.2024 - 16.03.2025.


Prerequisites for participation:

  • a completed doctorate (exceptionally qualified doctoral candidates may also apply)
  • a position at the University of Tübingen or an institution which is a member of the Tübingen Research Campus for the duration of the certificate program
    or an association with the University of Tübingen via a stiped 
    (doctoral candidates should be associated with the Univeristy of Tübingen with a position, a stiped or enrolment)
  • a registration in the ILIAS portal of the Graduate Academy

The application includes:

  • the completed application form (including a short explanation of your motivation, stating why you would like to participate in the program - e.g. why participation would be beneficial for your further career path, which skills you would like to develop, etc.). The link leads you to the German version of this page, where you find the application form.
  • a short CV
  • for doctoral candidates: A short letter of support from your supervisor, stating that participating in the certificate program does not hinder your doctoral studies and that he/she supports your participation.

The application for 2025 is from 1.02.2025 - 16.03.2025.

Overview and Scope

In addition to the compulsory basic course (Introduction to Science Communication), participants choose at least three workshops suitable for them from a range of two-day practical courses. Moreover, participants can further expand their knowledge in the diverse field of science communication through the expert inputs of a special event series, the Sharing Knowledge Talks.

To achieve the qualification goal, participants are asked to complete the following courses:

  • basic course (“Introduction to Science Communication”)
  • at least 3 practical courses (freely selectable)
  • at least 2 "Sharing Knowledge Talks" (freely selectable)

The certificate program should generally be completed within two calendar years.

More information regarding the different courses and formats can be found in the drop-down boxes below.

Basic Course

(compulsory, 2 days with 4 hours per day)

The basic course provides the foundation for the more specialized practical courses of the certificate program. In addition to an introduction to core aspects of science communication, participants receive an initial overview of the areas that can be explored in greater depth in the further parts of the program.

Introduction to Science Communication



  • Introduction to the opportunities and challenges of science communication
  • Overview and dimensions of media communication channels
  • Self-reflection: Find your own topic and approach to science communication
  • Hands-on SciComm: Getting started

The workshops "Basic Course Science Communication" will take place on April 25th and 26th 2024 from 09:00am - 1:00pm and from July 25th and 26th from 9:00am - 1:00pm. The workshop is only open for participants of the certificate program.  

Practical Courses

(mostly 2 days with 4 hours per day each)

Specialized practical courses give you the opportunity to gain practical experience in specific fields of science communication. In this way, you can expand and develop your own communication skills in a targeted and individual manner. The courses are offered on a recurring basis and can be taken flexibly. The specific dates for the first courses will be announced as part of the initial basic course. The yearly program of practical courses includes (but is not limited to):

Visualization & Design



  • Basics of successful visualizations
  • Visual core messages and visual abstracts
  • Infographics and data visualization
  • Moving images and animated visualizations

Course in 2024:

  • Visualization and Design in Science Communication: 16th and 23th September 2024 8:30am - 1:00pm

Science Journalism



  • Getting to know formats and contents
  • Dealing with different media
  • Finding topics and conveying them comprehensibly
  • Building your own network

The course in 2024 will be announced soon.

Social Media



  • Opportunities and pitfalls of social media
  • Communication strategies on social media
  • Reflection: Researchers and institutions on social media
  • Getting Started: Your own social persona & first posts

Course in 2024:

  • Science Communication in Social Media: 5th and 6th December 2024 9:00am - 1:00pm




  • Addressee orientation
  • Key messages
  • Poster Flash & Pitch
  • Hands-on exercises and individual feedback
  • Online presentation

Courses in 2024:

  • In-person vs Online Persuasion: 27th and 28th June 2024 9:00am - 4:00pm
  • Express yourself! Body and Voice in Science Communication: 5th July 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm

Format Development & Project Work



  • Developing appropriate communication formats for your own research
  • Getting to know creative techniques & creating new routines
  • Development process from concept to prototype
  • Practice-oriented home assignments

Courses in 2024:

  • Project Development in Science Communication: 18th July 2024 8:30am - 4:00pm and 19th July 2024 8:30am - 1:00pm
  • Project Development in Science Communication: 24th October 2024 8:30am - 4:00pm and 25th October 2024 8:30am - 1:00pm

Interview and Conversation



  • Effective Communication Strategies
  • Interview Training
  • Your own occurrence

Courses in 2024:

  • Interview Training: 11th October 2024 8:00am - 2pm and 21st January 8am - 2pm

Expert Inputs: Sharing Knowledge Talks

The expert inputs of the Sharing Knowledge Talks provide further impulses and opportunities to network and deepen your knowledge in the dynamic field of science communication. Currently planned topics include new research findings in the field of Science Communication, best practice examples, public engagement strategies, the rhetoric of science communication and much more.

Specific topics and dates of Expert Inputs will be individually announced prior to these events on our website.

Your contact persons

General questions regarding the certificate program

Dr. Markus Gottschling

Department of General Rhetoric

+49 7071/ 29 77418

markus.gottschlingspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Administrative questions (e.g. regarding application formalities)

Dr. Marisa Köllner 

Program Coordinator Graduate Academy (Postdocs, Junior research group leaders and Assistant professors)
+49 7071 29-72500
marisa.koellnerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de