
Open Workshop: Learning Skills – Test Interval Learning to Increase Productivity

Thursday, 09 January 2025
10 am - 12 pm and 1 pm - 3 pm
Location: UB

no registration needed

After the first few weeks of the new lecture period, some students are looking for a learning method that helps them to tackle upcoming tasks without losing sight of the time available.
With interval learning, upcoming tasks are prioritised and tasks are prioritised into manageable work packages, which are then completed within a certain period of time, taking certain basic conditions into account. The aim is to increase the motivation to start learning, to work more effectively and to recognise progress, which provides further motivation...

With this mini-workshop you can try out whether this learning technique suits you by means of a task that you have to complete for your studies.
We have space for 16 students. Each person works on his/her own task from his/her studies.
Sign up and give it a try!
To prepare: 
Please select learning material for the event and bring it to the event; e.g. the learning material from a lecture that you would like to prepare or follow up.

We are happy to consider accessibility requirements. Please let us know when you receive your enrolment confirmation. Unfortunately, organising a hybrid event or sending the slides is not possible due to the workshop format.