
Mathematics - Bachelor (mono)

Key data on study program


Academic Degree
Bachelor (mono)

Restricted admission

Regular duration of studies
6 semester

Is a combination subject required?

Application deadline 1st semester
Overview of application deadlines

Program start
Winter semester, Summer semester

Language of instruction

Tuition and other fees

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Requirements and application

The study program Bachelor of Science Mathematics has no admission restriction. Information on the application process can be found on the university's application web page. Students may begin their studies in either the winter or summer term.

The prerequisite for studying at the University of Tübingen is the general university entrance qualification, usually the Abitur. Other university entrance qualifications are e.g. the Delta examination for prospective students with a "Fachhochschulreife" / "fachgebundene Hochschulreife", or a university entrance qualification for those with vocational qualifications. Applicants with foreign school-leaving qualifications should contact the Department of Counseling and Admission for International Students.

In Baden-Württemberg, there is an obligation to provide proof of participation in a study orientation procedure with enrollment in an undergraduate degree program.

The language of study and examination is German. Individual courses may be given in English. A good knowledge of English is expected for the study of literature. Therefore, knowledge of English is required. However, formal proof of English proficiency is not required. German language skills to the extent of DSH-2 (Testdaf4) are required for international students.

International applicants *without* a German-language university entrance qualification must provide evidence of German language proficiency in accordance with the university's matriculation regulations (see also information on proof of linguistic study ability / DSH language test).


This is a so-called "mono-bachelor", i.e. the study is in one scientific subject.

In the free elective area (a total of 33 ECTS points), you can also choose offerings from other subject areas and acquire basic knowledge in disciplines in which mathematics is used. The aim of the free elective area is to provide the students a solid mathematical foundationwith and to provide students sufficient opportunities for differentiation.

Program details

In the B.Sc. Mathematics you will acquire comprehensive knowledge of fundamental mathematical theories and structures as well as the ability to apply mathematical methods and models appropriately. The modules of the first two years of study consist largely of compulsory courses; in the third year of study there is freedom of choice with a wide selection of modules, some of which can also be taken beforehand, in parallel to the compulsory courses of the first years of study. The selection covers all important areas of pure and applied mathematics according to the specialsation directions offered at the department (algebra and geometry, analysis and differential geometry, mathematical physics, numerical mathematics and optimization, stochastics).

The Bachelor of Science Mathematics leads to two consecutive Master's programs at the mathematical department in Tübingen: the Master of Science Mathematics and the Master of Science Mathematical Physics, the latter taught in English. Students who are interested in the latter program are recommended to use the elective specialisation part of the study program to acquire the basics of physics.

During the first two years the central part of the study is clearly structured by compulsory modules. These lay the foundations in anaysis, (linear) algebra and the application oriented fields of numerics and stochastics. In the third year of study, students can choose from the large variety of courses offered by the different research areas in the department to specialise according to their personal preferences. In the electable specialization part and the non-mathematical part of the study, the same freedom exists from the first semester onwards.

All examinations take place during the studies, usually in the semester break. The examinations of the two major modules of the first year, analysis and linear algebra, are oral examinations at the end of the second semester; examinations in higher semesters are partly in the form of written or of oral examinations.

The Department of Mathematics runs a large number of student exchange programs with partner universities in a wide variety of European countries. Further information can be found on the Study Abroad webpage.

Optional time abroad
You may choose to spend some time abroad as part of any study program. You should start planning it 12 to 18 months before your departure. 
Here you will find general information and advice on studying abroad. In addition, some departments have their own subject-specific services providing information on studying abroad.

Facts and figures:

In the winter semester 2023/24, approximately 800 students will be studying at the Department of Mathematics:

Mathematik B.Sc.:    182
Mathematik M.Sc.:   43

Mathematical Physics M.Sc.: 

Mathematik B.Ed.: 311
Mathematik B.Ed. berufl. Lehramt:  7
Mathematik Vorleistungen Erweiterungsfach:   13

Mathematik M.Ed.:

Mathematik Quereinstieg Lehramt M.Ed.: 9

Mathematik Promotion:


The module handbook describes the objectives and the structure of a study program. You will find more detailed information on the type and scope of all modules as well as their courses, requirements and examinations in the module handbook of the B.Sc. Mathematics. An ideal course plan in the module handbook helps you to plan your studies. The module handbook and the examination regulations help you to understand the framework of your studies and to select the right modules/courses.

The study and examination regulations of the B.Sc. Mathematics contain legally binding regulations for a study program. Among other things, they specify which modules of a study program must be completed and which examinations must be taken in order to successfully complete the study program. The study and examination regulations also regulate how often examinations can be repeated, which deadlines apply to the examinations of a study program and how the final grade is calculated. The examination regulations and the module handbook will help you to understand the framework of your studies and to select the right modules/courses.



After your studies

Bachelor graduates find versatile and interesting jobs in business, in research and development departments, in software companies, in banks, insurance companies and management consultancies. They can be employed very flexibly, because the course is designed for thinking in structures, forming models and solving difficult abstract problems.

Advice and internships
The University’s Career Service assists with careers orientation and getting started in your profession. Jobs and internships can be found in the Praxisportal.

As a rule, the bachelor's degree program is followed by the Master of Science Mathematics or the Master of Science Mathematical Physics. The admission requirements can be found on the corresponding websites of the Department of Mathematics. Another option is the international Master of Science Machine Learning at the Department of Computer Science.

Admission to doctoral studies with a bachelor's degree is not possible. For admission to doctoral studies, the completion of a master's degree is required.

Here you can find information about the alumni association Alumni Tübingen.

 All degree programs