
Economics and Business Administration - Bachelor (mono)

Key data on study program

Economics and Social Sciences Faculty

Academic Degree
Bachelor (mono)

Restricted admission
Yes, in first and higher semesters

Regular duration of studies
6 semester

Is a combination subject required?

Application deadline 1st semester
Overview of application deadlines

Program start
Winter semester

Language of instruction
German, English

Tuition and other fees

Apply now

Requirements and application

An excellent education requires a good supervision ratio. For this reason the number of study places is limited. We typically have far more applications than study places. Thus, admission is based on a selection process in which the grade of the university entrance examination is crucial. In addition, other criteria such as relevant vocational training, work experience, voluntary ecological year, stay abroad or an internship can improve the grade by up to 0.5 points. You can find more information on the possibilities to increase your chances here.

The course of study starts in each winter semester. The application deadline is July 15 of each year. Further information on the application procedure can be found here. Information about the admission results of the previous year can be found here.

All programs at the University of Tübingen require applicants to have a high school leaving certificate, usually the German Abitur, or other equivalent higher education entrance qualification, e.g. the Deltaprüfung for applicants with vocational school certificates or a higher education entrance qualification for professionals. Applicants with qualifications from outside Germany must apply via the Office for the Advising and Admission of International Students.

The language of instruction and examination in the Bachelor's program in Economics and Business Administration is German. Courses and examinations can be held in English, about 40% of the Bachelor courses are in English. It is assumed that students have very good German language skills (about C1) as well as good English language skills (about B1). In particular, the relevant technical literature frequently is in English. You can get advice, especially on German language skills for international applicants, from the Admissions Office for International Students.

Here you will find an overview of any foreign language requirements.

It is a compact course of study, therefore no minor subject is possible. However, in the third year of study, non-economics subjects can be added. You can broaden your perspective and choose courses from one of the following fields: political science, computer science, mathematics, law, psychology or sociology. The Global Ethic Institute, with its wide range of courses that can be selected, also allows you to look beyond your own nose.

You can find more information here.

Program details

The B.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration covers a general basic study program in economics and business administration. In lectures, seminars and exercises you will acquire the most important economic terms, mechanisms of action, theories and methods. At the end of their studies, students of the B.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration will have a solid foundation in economics and business administration, which will allow them to enter a company directly afterwards or to continue their studies in a consecutive Master's program.

Further information on the B.Sc. Economics and Business Administration can be found here on the website of the School of Business and Economics. A film about a student in the School also provides valuable insights.

The program is characterized by a wide range of options. At the beginning, you do not have to commit yourself to one of the sub-disciplines of business administration (Betriebswirtschaftslehre, BWL) or economics (Volkswirtschaftslehre, VWL) but learn the basics by studying them together. From the third semester onwards, you specialize by choosing business administration or economics modules. From 2023 on, you'll also be able to choose a track where cou can study both economics and business administration. In the third year of study, the Area of advanced undergraduate studies Elective Studies offers numerous options outside the field of economics in addition to economic extensions. You can broaden your horizon and choose courses from one of the subject areas political science, computer science, mathematics, law, psychology or sociology. The Global Ethic Institute, with its many selectable courses, also allows you to look beyond your own nose.

Depending on the choice of the three areas of advanced undergraduate studies, the qualification goals that graduates are expected to achieve differ:

  • After attending the area of advanced undergraduate studies Economic History and Development Economics, graduates will be able to understand research approaches to analyze the economic history of the world. They are able to explain important theories of international development economics and economic history. In addition, graduates will be able to analyze economic history data.
  • Through modules in the Economic Policy concentration area, graduates will be able to explain the basic terms and economic concepts of taxation. They are able to analyze central
    problems with the help of microeconomic models. Furthermore, graduates are able to evaluate different economic policy measures concerning current challenges. They are able to reflect on and question the significance of economic theories and models for dealing with political challenges.
  • After completing the area of advanced undergraduate studies in Firms and Markets, graduates will be able to analyze the strategic behavior of companies in individual markets. For this purpose they can apply basic concepts of information economics, game theory and organizational economics and apply them to different problems, e.g. in the field of organization. They can
    develop solutions to organizational problems. On the basis of these analyses, they are able to to derive recommendations for companies or economic policy.
  • Through modules of the specialization area International Economics, graduates will be able to explain the challenges and opportunities of European integration and globalization. They are able
    to compare and explain economic growth and the economic development of national economies. They will be able to analyze international trade and commodity flows and assess the advantages and disadvantages of globalization for the economies involved.
  • Through the specialization in International Business, graduates are able to compare the opportunities and challenges of a global economy from the perspective of multinational companies. They are able to evaluate cultural and political influences on internationally operating companies. Furthermore, they are able to assess how companies adapt to certain requirements and framework conditions.
  • If the area of advanced undergraduate studies in Banking and Finance is chosen, graduates will be able to assess the German and European banking system. They are able to classify (international) financial markets. Furthermore, they are able to compare different capital market products. They are also able to analyze financial issues using quantitative methods.
  • If the area of advanced undergraduate studies in Financial Accounting and Business Taxation is chosen, graduates will be able to describe numerous types of business transactions in an accounting system in accordance with IFRS and explain the main features of German (stock corporation) group law. They are able to question the significance of external accounting for tax effects and to develop strategies for tax planning using the tax balance sheet.
  • If the area of advanced undergraduate studies Managerial Accounting and Organization is chosen, graduates will be able to apply key figures of the cost information system and to develop suitable management strategies on this basis. They are able to analyze strategic behavior in interdependent decision-making situations and create solutions to existing organizational problems.
  • If the area of advanced undergraduate studies in Marketing is chosen, graduates will be able to carry out their own market research projects. For this purpose, they are able to apply adequate tools and methods appropriately. They are able to transfer the results of their analyses into practical applications.
  • By specializing in Data Science, graduates will be able to compare modern methods for analyzing economic data. They are able to determine which methods can be used under which conditions. They can use different programming languages and generate program code for statistical data analysis. Furthermore, they are able to independently analyze economic data using econometric methods in order to derive decision-making foundations for decisions in companies.
  • In the area of advanced undergraduate studies Elective Studies, graduates can either expand their knowledge of economics or transfer economic thinking and approaches to other disciplines such as politics, psychology or law by choosing modules in areas outside of economics.

 Studying abroad: about 2/3 of the students spend one semester in one of over 40 countries; numerous international students.

Here you can find further information that might convince you to study in Tübingen.


Here you can find current information on rankings.

Cooperation agreements:

Numerous non-subject specializations can be selected in the third year of study. Students take courses at adjacent institutes.

Within the study program, students can spend one or two semesters abroad at one of Tübingen's numerous partner universities. Many students take advantage of this offer and then count the achievements from their studies abroad towards their studies in Tübingen. Within the Erasmus+ program alone, numerous partner universities within Europe are available to students of the School. In addition, stays in other parts of the world are possible due to partnerships with universities.

Detailed information about the opportunities for students of the School of Business and Economics.

Voluntary stay abroad

In each study program, a voluntary stay abroad is possible. Planning should begin about one to one and a half years before departure.
Further information and advice on studying abroad can be found on the interdisciplinary page Ways to go abroad. In addition, some subjects also offer their own information on studying abroad.

Optional time abroad
You may choose to spend some time abroad as part of any study program. You should start planning it 12 to 18 months before your departure. 
Here you will find general information and advice on studying abroad. In addition, some departments have their own subject-specific services providing information on studying abroad.

The studies in our school are research-oriented. At the same time, practical relevance plays a central role in our research and teaching. To this end, people from the field are regularly involved, giving event-related lectures or offering entire courses.

The School regularly organizes networking events, career fairs, workshops, case studies with companies, fireside evenings (e.g. alumni storytelling), practice mentoring, regular student / alumni get-togethers, application portfolio check & career preparation (e.g. assessment center training), excursions, business games, soft skill training, workshops for personal development, service learning through participation in initiatives & lecture series on topics not covered by the curriculum. Collaboration with companies, the Alumni & Support Association, student initiatives & Global Ethic Institute (certificate possible).

PC-Pool with always up-to-date, high-quality computers designed to handle complex econometric calculations with large data sets; flexible access to cloud-based computing capacities and to the cluster for high-performance computing; extensive offer of databases for empirical research; extensive offer of statistical software with numerous training courses (R, Stata, Python, Matlab, MaxQDA, Atlas. ti); permanently installed beamers in lecture halls throughout, partly also multimedia equipment & whiteboard; free WLAN access on campus; ILIAS platform.

The module handbook describes the goals and structure of a degree program. In the module handbook you will find details of the type of modules offered and their respective
workloads as well as the classes, requirements and assessment. An ideal course plan is set out in the module handbook to help you plan your studies. The module handbook and the exam regulations help you to understand the framework and conditions of your program, and enable you to choose the right modules/ classes.

The module manual can be downloaded under this link. It consists of one part for the B.Sc. programs and one part for the M.Sc. programs.

The exam regulations contain the legally binding regulations for a degree program. They set out, for instance, which modules must be taken and which assessment must be completed in order to successfully complete the degree program. The exam regulations also regulate how often exams may be repeated, which deadlines apply to assessment, and how the final grade is calculated. The exam regulations and the module handbook help you to understand the framework and conditions of your program, and enable you to choose the right modules/ classes.

The examination regulations can be downloaded from this link. It consists of a general and a special part.

Help with choosing a study program

© Larina Knirr

I am very happy to be studying EcoBA. After the basics, the program offers a wide range of interesting specializations, of which you can choose a total of 3. The variety ranges from Marketing & Data Science to International Business & many other areas. I particularly appreciate the supportive atmosphere of the department & the chairs as well as the numerous partner universities of the University of Tübingen, which also give you the opportunity to gain international experience. 

Larina Knirr, Economics and Business Administration, 3rd semester

After your studies

The career prospects are broad and excellent. Occupational fields are Business and Economics and Economic Policy Institutions, Industrial and Service Companies, Medium-Sized Businesses, Banks, Public Institutions, and Consulting Firms. The path to self-employment is also open to graduates.

Graduates of our school have very good career prospects. In addition to the excellent reputation of a degree program in Tübingen, graduates of economics and business administration also benefit from the increased practical relevance of the School of Business and Economics, the short period of study, and the international orientation.

In addition, graduates receive the Diploma Supplement, a document that explains the courses attended and successfully completed in an internationally understandable way.

Companies and institutions appreciate the sound and transparent education in Business and Economics in Tübingen.

Career orientation and internships

The university's Career Service provides advice on career orientation and career entry. You can find internships and jobs in the practice portal.

Advice and internships
The University’s Career Service assists with careers orientation and getting started in your profession. Jobs and internships can be found in the Praxisportal.

Those who would like to deepen their knowledge in the field of economics in general can choose between ten different master programs

You can find information about pursuing your PhD here.

 All degree programs

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