If you have a confirmation for a room in the official student dormitories: Appointment with the dormitory administration of the Studierendenwerk, Fichtenweg 5, 72076 Tübingen
Deposit slip and making an appointment with the janitor
Meeting with the janitor: Handing over the room keys and moving into the room / Confirmation of residence (Wohnungsgeberbestätigung) for registration at the Citizens' Office Tübingen (Bürgeramt)
Registration with the Incoming Team, International Office, Wilhelmstr 9, 72074 Tübingen: Please book an appointment in advance at our portal.
Official check-in with document pickup of student ID / login data for the university databases
Information for the first days in Tübingen
Signing of forms, if necessary:
Erasmus and CIVIS students (not Erasmus worldwide): Confirmation of the Certificate of Arrival / Attendance, which is usually requested by the home university
Overseas students: only very rarely an arrival form has to be confirmed
We confirmed arrival dates up to a maximum of 5 days in the past
Registration with the Bürgeramt at the city of Tübingen: Within 2 weeks after your arrival in Tübingen you have to register at the citizen's office (Bürgeramt) of Tübingen as a local resident:
You will need to bring your passport / ID card + visa, if applicable and the confirmation of residence (Wohnungsgeberbestätigung) from the janitor in the dormitory / your landlord to the appointment.
Students from outside the EU who entered Germany without a visa: You must apply for your residence permit at the Foreigners Office of the City of Tübingen within 90 days of entering Germany. However, you apply for the residence permit only after the city registration (Step 3).
Tailored orientation programs and counseling services facilitate a smooth transition into your studies and offer support throughout your time in Tübingen.
Orientation Program / Onboarding for New Exchange Students
During the arrival period (end of March - mid April / end of Sept - mid Oct), the Incoming Team offers daily office hours except on Wednesdays. You will receive your student ID card, login data, useful information for the first time in Tübingen and can ask any questions you may have.
In the two Orientation Weeks (start in the week prior to the lecture begin) numerous welcome events and information meetings for new international and German students take place around the University. The special offers for new international students include:
The Welcome Event for New Exchange Students organized by the Incoming Team at the begin of the orientation weeks: We will introduce you to the academic offers and non-academic life (study information, advisory services, social activites, sports classes etc). You will be invited to this event by e-mail.
The Advisory Course ‘International Connect Experience'takes place during the first week of the orientation weeks. The course is specially designed fornew international students (degree seeking & exchange students) and includes a campus tour, introductory events based on your study fields and social activites where you can easily meet new people. It is run by experienced students of Tübingen University. The registration is online.
The Intro-Week of StudIT also offers a very good opportunity to get to know Tübingen better and to meet fellow students. The offer includes e.g. a city rally, pub crawl, hiking and a closing party. The Intro-Week usually takes place in the second week of the orientation weeks and is offered by the StudIT Team. You will be invited by e-mail.
The Starting Your Studies brochure provides information on the introductory events, general information (student initiatives and offers) as well as orientation events at the various departments.
The University of Tübingen offers extra support for (exchange) students with learning difficulties, disabilities and chronic illnesses:
The university's general counselling Service for students with a disability or (chronic) illness provides individual support. You can request at this counselling unit the so-called Nachteilsausgleich, which means disadvantage compensation: if students need e.g. more time in exams or require certain aids in their studies etc due to their illness or disability, the "disadvantage compensation" helps to adapt the study conditions to your individual needs. The earlier you submit your request for the "disadvantage compensation", the better! Application for the disadvantage compensation for exchange students and detailed information
The Incoming Team offers extra support for exchange students with disabilities or (chronic) illnesses, too. We assist e.g. with solving issues related to your specific status as exchange student and other, often administrative challenges. Please do not hesitate to contact us before or during your stay at incomingspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de. All information will be treated confidentially. If you wish and agree, we are happy to contact on your behalf our colleagues from the Service for students with a disability or (chronic) illness and inform them about the addtitional support you need.
The Studierendenwerk offers a limited number of barrier-free rooms. If you require such an accommodation or have other room requirements, please be sure to indicate this when submitting your dormitory application to the Studierendenwerk.
If you become ill or find yourself in a dangerous or difficult situation (physical or psychological), there are various points of contact for you: from special counseling units at the university or the city to doctors or hospitals.
Our Emergency & Medical Services Guide informs about the most important contacts and explains what to consider when seeing a doctor in Germany.
An illustrated health dictionary from the German Student Union illustrates important vocabulary for visiting the doctor and explains the basics of emergency and illness in German and Englisch.
The General Student Counseling Service of the University outlines further mental health support services for crisis situations and preemptive health management of students in Tübingen.
The Incoming Team (incomingspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de), other members of the International Office and further departments at Tübingen University are also available for an initial consultation. Do not hesitate to contact us: The counselling is confidential.
Plan Your Studies and Register for Your Courses
If you require assistance with selecting your courses, our comprehensive advisory services provide useful guidance. Be sure to plan your course schedule well in advance to make the most of your academic experience.
On our website Courses for Exchange Students you find detailled information about the course offer at Tübingen University. Please note the course restrictions for several study fields.
Course Selection, Learning Agreement and Academic Advisors
Our many academic advisors will help youplan your studies and select appropriate courses - contact them in good time: See academic advisors for an overview of the departmental advisors and websites for international exchange students. Please also consider the important aspects for your course choice on the course information page.
Erasmus / CIVIS students must specify In the Learning Agreement the courses they wish to take. They will receive the Learning Agreement form from their home university. Students coming to Tübingen on an overseas exchange programmay need to fill out a similar offical study form, which they receive from their home university.
The academic advisors at Tübingen University will sign your Learning Agreemet or official study form. The International Office is not authorized to sign these documents.
The academic advisors are also responsible for signing the Learning Agreement During Mobility / Changes to the Learning Agreement of the Erasmus / CIVIS students.
Course Registration in ALMA and Further Information
Upon full enrollment (for new exchange students) or re-enrollment (for exchange students entering their 2nd semester), you will be able to sign up for courses, once the course registration period has started. Below, we outline the basic steps for course registration. A comprehensive email containing additional guidance will be sent to all new exchange students.
The main database used for course registration is ALMA. To see how the course registration works, please use the video guideIntroduction to the ALMA Portal at minute 3:42. The Instructions for ALMAprovide more details on course registration and administration. Sometimes course registration is carried out outside of ALMA. The options are as follows:
Register via your study planner in ALMA: ALMA > My Studies > Planner of Studies with Module Plan
A few departments (Economics and Business Administration / Managment and Economics / Political Science / German Studies)with many exchange studentshave a special course program for exchange students in the study planner in ALMA
If you are enrolled with your study field in the same faculty, you can register for courses of these study fields via your study planner
If courses are not listed in your study planner, you can apply for a course via theUniversity Course Catalogue: Log in to ALMA, open the requested course in the University Course Catalogue and register for it. If you can't register this way, it means
there is restricted access to the course OR
check the course detail information if another way of registration is explained: If the registration is possible via the learning platforms Ilias or Moodle, please read this FAQ.
If the course registration platform is neither ALMA nor Ilias nor Moodle, please check option no.3 or 4.
Check the course registration information on the regular department websites/departmental websites for exchange students / provided by your academic advisor: Sometimes the course registration is carried out via another platform than ALMA, e.g. for classes in Medicine (Humanmedizin), Biology, Mathematics. Contact your academic advisor if necessary.
Last but not least, if no other option works: Contact the lecturer responsible for the course directly by e-mail, and ask for registration Mention in that e-mail that you are an exchange student and provide your matriculation number
Please note the following course status in ALMA:
registered or applied / angemeldet: You have indicated your wish to participate in the course. You are not yet admitted to the course.
admission or admitted/zugelassen: You are admitted to the course and can participate.
rejected / abgelehnt: You did not receive a spot, as e.g. too many students are interested in that class and not enough places are available.
The outcome of being admitted or rejected for a class with limited places is normally made afterthe course registration period has closed, not during the course registration period.
Sometimes there is more than one course registration period for the same course, so that remaining places can be distributed.
There is no general course registration period available for exchange students as course registration periods are defined by the individual departments. To check the registration period for your courses, please proceed as follows:
Go to the course detail view in ALMA by clicking on the title of the course entry
individual courses are marked in ALMA with a book symbol
Check the registration period on the right side of the tab Basic data
BELEGUNG: describes the course enrollment period; sometimes there is more than one registation period so that remaining places can be allocated.
ABMELDUNG: describes the de-registration period if the course registration period(s) are already over; you can also deregister during the registration period.
If no course registration period is indicated in ALMA or if it is already over, please contact the lecturer per e-mail for registration and mention your matriculation number and that your are an exchange student.
Course registration period in the course detail view in ALMA
Register for Your Exams
During the exam registration period, you must register for the examination for all your courses that are to be listed on the transcript: In addition to courses with final examinations, exam registration is also necessary for courses without an official final examination in which you submit during the lecture period assignments or actively participate.
You need to register for exams eitherdirectly in ALMAor via thespecial exam registration form for exchange students: Details on the website for exam registration of exchange students by the Central Examination Office. All exchange students will alsoreceive an information e-mail with further instructions by the Incoming Team.
Finish Your Studies
If your courses include an official final exam, you will sit for it during the exam period. Subsequently, the semester break starts.
Exams typically take plase during the final week of the lecture period and extend into the initial 2-3 weeks of the lecture-free period. However, specific exam schedules vary across departments or faculties. For precise details, please consult your academic advisor and/or the lecturers of your courses.
If you are required to write one or more term papers, this usually takes place during the lecture-free period (semester break). Occasionally, the grades for the paper or the entire course may be received only at the beginning of the next semester.
Staying for more than one semester
If you are going to stay for two semesters or wish to extend your stay from one to two semesters, certain administrative procedures must be adhered to.
If you are admitted for two semesters, you have to re-enroll during the re-enrollment period for the second semester. Please follow these steps:
The student administration sends an e-mail to your student e-mail adress concerning re-enrollment, do not miss it
You need to pay the semester contribution fee within the re-enrollment period, see below
Your need to state your matriculation number on the payment form, so the payment can be matched with your ALMA account easily
The exact amount of the semester contribution fee will be displayed in your ALMA account under My Studies/Student Service/Payments. After successful re-enrollment, the enrollment certificate for the next semester can be downloaded from the ALMA portal.
Re-enrollment period is:
June 01 to August 15 for the winter semester (delayed re-enrollment with 10€ fine possible by September 30)
January 15 to February 15 for the summer semester (delayed re-enrollment with 10€ fine possible by March 31)
via email to the Incoming Team (incomingspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de). If your home university provides an extension form as an alternative, please send it signed by
via e-mail to incomingspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de . If you are an overseas or an Erasmus worldwide student the coordinator of the International Office Tübingen has to agree, too.
Once the necessary confirmations have been received, the Incoming Team will extend your stay within the given deadlines. You will receive an extension letter with information on re-enrollment for the following semester.
Deadlines and information about the dormitory spot
Extensions for the summer semester
will be processed from December onwards
Dec 31: Deadline for complete extension applications with a good chance of extending your dormitory spot (i.e. all confirmations must be received by the Incoming Team by 31/12.; the final decision will be made in mid-January after the end of the Christmas break)
Feb 01: final deadline for complete extension requests (dormitory spot: low chances)
Extensions for a 3rd semester (rarely possible for students from overseas): very low chances of extending your dormitory spot
Extensions for the winter semester
will be processed from June onwards
June 30: Deadline for complete extension applications with a good chance of extending your dormitory spot (i.e. all confirmations must be received by the Incoming Team by 30/6.; the final decision will be made begin of July)
Aug 01: final deadline for complete extension requests (dormitory spot: low chances)
Extensions for a 3rd semester (rarely possible for students from overseas): very low chances of extending your dormitory spot
Please note that in case of an extension you have to re-enroll at the University of Tübingen, i.e. you have to pay the semester fee for the following semester in time. The student administration will send an e-mail to your student email adress, please check it.
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