
FAQ Section

Do you have a specific question which is not answered on our other websites for exchange students? Or do you feel a bit lost with all the information you have received and want to double check? No worries, we've got you: Below, you find frequently asked questions. If your issue is not being adressed, simply contact us.


Information for special student groups
Master/PhD-students as research candidates
(Erasmus) Trainees & Freemover


Questions about application documents / data
Learning agreement / study plan
Visa application


Important aspects of the accomodation
Dormitory application / room contract
Private room search

Your Stay

Organization of your stay
Residence permit / visa issues
Certificates / login data / student ID card


How can I apply for a semester abroad in Tübingen and what do I have to do?

Students of partner universities find all important information on the application steps on our Application and Preparation website.

I am not from a partner university, but would like to study in Tübingen for 1 – 2 semesters. Who can help me?

The International Office (Divison V) is responsible for students from partner universities.

Students who are not from a partner university may be able to apply as a freemover or research student of 1 – 2 semesters at Division IV, Student Affairs. The Team Admission for International Students of Divison IV is responsible.

I would like to carry out an Erasmus Traineeship at the University of Tübingen via the Erasmus program. What do I need to consider?

Erasmus trainees or persons undertaking an Erasmus traineeship/internship are not Erasmus exchange students. Instead, they are interns/trainees funded by the Erasmus program. The traineeship can be carried out in the private sector, public authorities, research institutions (such as universities), NGOs, etc (https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/opportunities/opportunities-for-individuals/students/traineeships-abroad-for-students).
There is no central contact point for Erasmus trainees or other international interns/trainees at the University of Tübingen that can organize internship placements. This means interested students must arrange the traineeship on their own. Therefore, please contact the department/lecturers you would like to intern with.

If you have secured an Erasmus traineeship post and have been accepted by a department/lecturer, please note the following:

  • The host department is generally responsible for providing support services and supervision for Erasmus trainees
  • An Erasmus trainee can be enrolled under the status “research student" (Forschungsstudierende*r; Alma, no. 97, “no degree”): Please contact the colleagues of Division IV who are responsible for visiting students who are not exchange students: study.undergraduate@uni-tuebingen.de  (also for Erasmus trainees at graduate level!)
  • The Learning Agreements for Traineeship must be signed by your traineeship supervisor. The International Office (Division V) or the colleagues of Division IV are not responsible.
  • The Learning Agreements sometimes require information on insurances provided by the host institution: if the trainee is enrolled as a research student, the university will provide an accident insurance, however no liability insurance.
  • Erasmus trainees and other interns do not receive a room from the dormitory quota reserved for (Erasmus) exchange students. The Housing Team of Division IV might be able to help you with finding a room: housing@zv.uni-tuebingen.de.     

Please always state in your correspondence that you are an Erasmus trainee so that your request is processed correctly. You are not an Erasmus exchange student.

I am a PhD student and would like to come for an exchange for research purposes to Tübingen. How can I apply?

If you want to take part as a PhD candidate in a student exchange program, please note:

  • There must be an exchange agreement between your home institution and Tübingen University.
  • You must be nominated by your home institution to be able to apply and follow the regular application process for exchange students
  • The research stay should last at least 3 months and can begin in March at the earliest for the summer semester and in September at the earliest for the winter semester
  • If you come for research / thesis purposes and do not take any courses or would like to combine reserach and taking classes, we need in addition a supervisory commitment from a lecturer here, with whom you will meet regularly and who will confirm your research workload in ECTS.
  • A form for the supervisory commitment is provided in your applicants' account in our database.
  • The supervisory commitment needs to be uploaded in the application database and is necessary to be admitted.
  • PhD students in philosophy can choose a supervisor from the lecturers with habilitation at the Department of Philosophy. 

More information about the general application process can be found here.

If you come as a PhD candidate without an exchange program to Tübingen, please contact the Welcome Center of Tübingen University in time.

I am a Master student and want to come to Tübingen to do research / write my thesis. What do I need to consider?

If you want to take part as a Master student in an exchange program to write your thesis / do research in Tübingen, there must be

  • an agreement between your home institution and Tübingen University
  • you must be nominated by your home institution to be able to apply and follow the regular application process for exchange students
  • The research stay should last at least 3 months and can begin in March at the earliest for the summer semester and in September at the earliest for the winter semester
  • If you want to come for research / thesis purposes and do not take any courses or would like to combine research and taking classes, we need in addition a supervisory commitment from a supervisor here, with whom you will meet regularly and who will confirm your research workload in ECTSs
  • The supervisory commitment needs to be sent to us by e-mail or uploaded in our database. The confirmation of supervision is mandatory for the admission as exchange student.


  • The Departments of Economics and Philosophy do not accept master's students who wish to come for research purposes only; you must take courses as a master student in these departments.
  • The Faculty of Law only exceptionally accepts master students who come for research, but do not take courses.

Please contact the respective academic advisor during the application process. More information about the regular application process can be found here


Do I need a passport for my application?

If you are an EU citizen, a valid identity card is sufficient for application. Students coming from a non EU-country need a valid passport to apply. 

Which date should I specify as dates of arrival and departure?

In your application, the offical semester dates are provisionally put in as your dates of arrival and departure. They will be adapted when you personally (un-)register with the University after your arrival and shortly before your departure.

What is a Learning Agreement?

A Learning Agreement sets out a plan of study that you will undertake abroad as part of an Erasmus or CIVIS exchange. It contains a list of the courses/classes/lectures you would like to attend. Your home university will usually provide a Learning Agreement form.
Once you have selected your courses, the Learning Agreement must be signed by the student, the academic advisor of Tübingen University and the home university. All three signatures are required, otherwise the Learning Agreement is not complete.

Students of Natural Sciences and Medicine: You need a Learning Agreement already in the application process. Please read this FAQ as well.

What is a study plan?

A study plan is a list that states the courses you want to attend. Only students from partner universities in overseas (not Erasmus or CIVIS ) who  want to study at the Faculty of Science or Medicine need this doucment for their application and admission. They receive a form for the study plan in their applicants' account. The plan must be confirmed by the applicable academic advisor and uploaded as part of the application process in the Mobility Online database. Please see also our next FAQ.

Do I need a study plan or a Learning Agreement for my application?

Learning Agreement: Applicants of a natural science or medicine subject who participate in an Erasmus or CIVIS exchange need a Learning Agreement for their application.

  • It must be signed in triplicate: by you, by the home university and by the academic advisor for your study field at Tübingen University. Without signatures the document is not valid.
  • The Learning Agreement is a required document in the application process and must be uploaded with all three signatures within the application deadline.

Study Plan: Students of a natural science or medicine subject from a partner university in overseas (not Erasmus or CIVIS!) need a study plan with a course list for their application.It has to be approved by Tübingen University.

  • Contact the responsible academic advisor of your study field for confirmation and agree on a course list
  • The Study Plan is a required document within the application process and must be uploaded with the confirmation of the academic advisor within the application deadline.

I am applying for a visa and need to name a contact person at Tübingen University. Whose name can I indicate?

Please name one of the members of the Incoming Team as contact person for the visa application. The names and the exact contact data can be found on our team page. If the visa form asks for the date of birth or nationality of the contact person, please leave these fields blank: this information is not available for data protection reasons.

I need proof for my visa appointment that my courses will be taught in English / German. How do I receive it?

The wording in our Letter of Admission concerning the language requirements generally works as sufficent proof for visa applications. Therefore, the International Office does not issue extra language confirmation documents.If you tried submitting the Letter of Admission and receive written confirmation that the embassy/consulate does not accept the letter or definitely need a language confirmation, please forward this written confirmation of the embassy/consulate to the Incoming Team at incomingspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de.

I am from Ukraine. What do I need to consider concerning entry regulations and visa/residence permit?

If you left Ukraine after the start of the war, you can apply in Germany for a residence permit for humanitarian reasons based on section 24 of the German Residence Act as an alternative to a residence permit/visa for study purposes (section 16). At present (January 2025), it is not necessary for persons who are in Ukraine to apply for a visa for study purposes from abroad; if you enter Germany by December 4, 2025, you can apply for your residence permit within 90 days of entering Germany.

The residence permit for humanitarian reasons based on section 24 is more flexible than the residence permit/visa for study purposes and entitles e.g. for citizen's benefit (= Bürgergeld). We therefore recommend it. More information on this residence permit and details on entry to Germany for Ukrainians here:

Information on applying for a residence permit in Tübingen can be found in step 4 of the next steps after your arrival.

Status: 27/1/2025


When do I receive the letter of admission by the University which is required for the dormitory application?

You can apply for a place in a hall of residence even if you have not yet received a letter of admission from us. You submit the admission letter to the Studierendenwerk later, when you have received it a few weeks after submitting your application. The letter of admission will only be issued once your application documents are complete and have been checked.

  • Admission letters for the summer semester are usually issued from December onwards.
  • Admission letters for the winter semester are usually issued from June onwards.

How long are the rentral contracts in the official students residences?

For international exhange students, the rental contract dates are:

  • Summer term: March-July (August if necessary directly; September if necessary and if the Incoming Team authorizes it)
  • Winter term: September-February (March if necessary and if the Incoming Team authorizes it)

If a student is admitted for two semester the contract will be issued for the whole period (September-July/ March-February). 

The contracts can be extened but cannot be shortened.

My courses start in October (winter term) or April (summer term). Do I have to pay rent for September / March as well even if I have not arrived yet?

Rental contacts are standardized for international exchange students and you have to pay for September (winter term) / March (summer term) respectivly, even if you do not move in then. However, such a dormitory contract is still cheaper in average than to rent a private room on the regular (and expensive) housing market in Tübingen.

I have problems to find a room. Who can help me?

If you did not receive a room in a student dormitory and you need support to find a room on the private housing market in Tübingen, please contact housingspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de or have a look on the Housing Team website.

Attention: On popular online platforms like www.wg-gesucht.de, www.kleinanzeigen.de etc the number of scam offers is increasing. Please never transfer money in advance and do not send scans of your ID card if this is requested of you. Some offers are too good to be true!

If you are unsure about a room offer, please contact housingspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de: The Housing Team will help you to check suspicious offers. You can find more information about scam offers and fake ads at the Housing Team website and  here.

Your Stay

I can enter Germany without a visa but need a residence title. Which options do I have?

If you can enter Germany without a visa but need in general a residence title for your stay in Germany, you have the following options:

  1. You apply for a visa for a study stay in Germany in advance at the German embassy/consulate in your home country. If the visa is granted for the entire duration of your studies/stay in Germany, you do not need to apply for an extension of it in Tübingen.
  2. You apply for a residence permit within 90 days of your arrival in Germany and after you have registered with the City of Tübingen as resident in person: After registering as a resident you can submit an online application for a residence permit at the Foreigners' Office Tübingen. For more information see our next steps no. 3 and 4 after your arrival.

I need a residence permit or have visa problems and do not live in Tübingen. Which authority is responsible for me?

If you are not registered in Tübingen, another foreigners' office is responsible for you:

I am a double degree student with an Erasmus scholarship. What do I need to consider?

The Incoming Team of the International Office / Division V takes care of regular Erasmus exchange students. Division IV is responsible for double degree students. Double degree students with questions regarding application and enrollment should contact the colleagues of Division IV directly at study.masterspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de.

For double degree students with an Erasmus scholarship, the Incoming Team of Division V is only responsible for confirming the duration of your stay in Tübingen, signing your Erasmus Certificate of Arrival / Attendance or Departure respectivly - in case you have been nominated in our database as an Erasmus student. If your home university requires such a certificate, please book a personal appointment for double degree students with Erasmus funding with the Incoming Team.

We can confirm arrival dates up to 5 days after your actual arrival and departure dates up to 5 days before your actual departure.

Where do I get the forms for the Certificates of Arrival / Attendance / Departure?

The forms for the certificates are provided by and available at your home university, if it requires such certificates. The Incoming Team of the International Office Tübingen confirms and signs the forms.

How do I receive the access data for the learning platforms Ilias or Moodle?

The access data for Ilias and Moddle are identical to your official student login data, which you will receive at your personal check-in after your arrival. If you need the access data to Ilias / Moodle for course registration before your arrival, please proceed as follows: Contact directly by e-mail the lecturer who is responsible for the course and ask for registration.

  • In this e-mail, state that you are an exchange student and give your matriculation number.
  • Mention that you will receive your login data for Ilias or Moodle only after your arrival in Tübingen.

If you receive by the lecturer an e-mail stating that you cannot register without login data, please forward the e-mail of the lecturer to incomingspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de.

I blocked / lost my student card. What should I do?

  • If you receive an error message when paying with your student ID card and the card is blocked for further use, you can find an explanation of the various error codes and instructions for unblocking the card in the FAQ of the Studierendenwerk.
  • If you have lost your student ID card, you can check with the university's lost and found offices or at the library information / circulation desks to see if it has been found.
    If this is not the case, you must fill out a so-called "declaration of loss" (Verlusterklärung) and submit it to the student administration. Only by this can the old student ID be blocked and a new one issued by the student administration. The form for the declaration of loss (currently only in German) and further information can be found on the website of the student administration.

Where can I find my certificate of enrollment (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung)?

You can download your enrollment certificate in the ALMA database: alma > My Studies > Student Service > Requested Reports/Reports > Immatrikulationsbescheinigung.
You find a screenshot guide for ALMA here.

I am an Ukrainian exchange student. How do I apply for citizens' benefit = Bürgergeld?

If you are an exchange student, have Ukrainian citizenship and a residence permit according to section 24 of the German Residence Act, you are in principle entitled to citizen's benefit (= Bürgergeld), see here: https://www.daad-ukraine.org/en/studying-in-germany/funding. Please proceed as follows:

1. apply for citizen's benefits (Bürgergeld) = financial means to secure your livelihood according to SGB II at the Jobcenter. If you are registered in Tübingen or in the district of Tübingen, the Jobcenter Tübingen is responsible. You can apply digitally at https://jobcenter-tuebingen.de/digital. Be sure to mention the following information so that your application is not rejected immediately:

  •  Your residence permit according to §24 and your Ukrainian nationality
  •  Your status as an exchange student: that you are studying temporarily at Tübingen University and are not pursuing a degree at the university
  •  Rejection notice from the Bafög office: needs to be submitted to the Jobcenter for a successful application for citizen's benefits
    • submit the rejection notice from the Bafög office to the Jobcenter if you already have it, or
    • inform the Jobcenter that you will submit the Bafög rejection notice later, see point 2.

Citizen's benefit (Bürgergeld) can only be paid from the month in which the application is received by the Jobcenter: If, for example, you no longer have any funding from April, but only submit your application for citizen's benefit in May, citizen's benefit can be paid from May at the earliest - provided the application for it is successful.

If the Jobcenter informs you that you as a student are generally not entitled to citizen's benefit, even though you have provided the Jobcenter with the above information regarding your Ukrainian refugee status, please inform the Incoming Team at incomingspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de .

2. A rejection notice from the Bafög office is necessary for a successful application for citizen's benefit (Bürgergeld): You should therefore submit your application for Bafög to the Bafög office of the Studierendenwerk Tübingen- Hohenheim at the latest at the same time as you apply for Bürgergeld. Since Ukrainian exchange students with §24 are not eligible for Bafög (because they are not seeking a degree in Germany), a simplified procedure applies. Please submit the following documents/information:

  • Form 1: https://www.my-stuwe.de/bafoeg/formulare
    • Proof of income or assets on pages 3 and 4 of form1 do not have to be submitted, but the form fields must be filled in truthfully
    • If you have assets of less than €10,000, you can submit the form Vereinfachte Vermögensfeststellung (https://www.my-stuwe.de/bafoeg/formulare) and leave page 4 of form 1 blank
  • Certificate of enrollment according to §9 Bafög
  • additionally mention in writing to the Bafög office that you
    • are an Ukrainian exchange student with a residence permit according to §24
    • submit the Bafög application because you need a rejection notice from the Bafög office for your application for citizen's benefit (Bürgergeld) at the Jobcenter Tübingen.

As soon as you have received the rejection notice of your Bafög application, submit it to the Jobcenter for your application for citizen's benefit (Bürgergeld), see point 1.

Status: 2/2024