
Project Area B: "Manifestations"

B1: ars et natura: Pliny’s micronarratives reflecting on art in the context of the Naturalis Historia

Prof. Dr. Anja Wolkenhauer

B2: Coinage in Syria-Palestine between Hellenistic-Roman Influence and Jewish Tradition

PD Dr. Stefan Krmnicek / Prof. Dr. Michael Tilly

B3: Semantics of Aesthetics in Middle High German: A Digital Lexicological Information System

Prof. Dr. Manuel Braun / Prof. Dr. Annette Gerok-Reiter

B4: The Aesthetics of Combinatorics: Personifications and Allegories in Medieval Art and Literature

Prof. Dr. Sandra Linden / Prof. Dr. Andrea Worm

B5: Kaleidoscopic Narration in the Icelandic Sagas

Prof. em. Dr. Stefanie Gropper / Jun.-Prof. Dr. Rebecca Merkelbach

B6: Properties of figures of aesthetic reflection: Systematic annotation and quantitative analysis

Prof. Dr. Nils Reiter / Prof. Dr. Angelika Zirker

B7: Teaching Nature – Nature’s Teaching. Aesthetic Strategies of Knowledge Transmission in a Transcultural Perspective

Prof. Dr. Regula Forster / Dr. Jan Stellmann

B8: Aesthetics of Legal Narrative Communications in the Qur’an and in Pre-Modern Islam

Prof. Dr. Holger Zellentin