

Are you interested in doing a PhD and want to find out about the first steps? Do you have questions about the doctoral process? Do you need support in your career orientation? Take advantage of the consulting services offered by the Graduate Academy.

Consultation for Doctoral candidates

The Graduate Academy offers consulting services for the following target groups:

  • People interested in doing a PhD who would like to get general information about the possibility of a doctorate
  • Doctoral candidates who need support in the graduation process
  • Doctoral candidates who would like information about different career paths.

At the Graduate Academy, we will also put you in touch with the right contacts and provide you with initial information.

Your contact: infospam prevention@graduiertenakademie.uni-tuebingen.de

Consultation grant-applicants

Together with Research Support and the Gender Equality Office, we advise applicants and research associations in particular with regard to the conception of needs-oriented measures for the promotion of young researchers.

At the Graduate Academy, we will also put you in touch with the right contacts and provide you with initial information.


Consultation for qualified researchers

The Graduate Academy offers consulting services for the following target groups:

  • Postdocs who would like to inform themselves about different career paths
  • Researchers, junior research group leaders and assistant professors who plan applying for third-party funding and need information on the topic "Support for junior researchers".

At the Graduate Academy, we will also put you in touch with the right contacts and provide you with initial information.

Your contact:  infospam prevention@graduiertenakademie.uni-tuebingen.de

We advise you on these topics

The Graduate Academy primarily advises on organizational and structural issues related to doctoral studies, early and late post-doctoral phases and all related topics. We will gladly take time for you. If you are interested, please email the respective contact person to arrange a telephone or video call appointment. In personal appointments are also possible by arrangement. In order for us to prepare for the interview, please briefly state your request (e.g. desired doctoral subject, current occupation). If you have specific questions about your research project or your doctoral process (e.g. acceptance, language requirements, oral defense), it is best to contact your faculty's doctoral office directly. Please note that we cannot forward any application documents to suitable supervisors. Therefore, please do not send us any resumes or publication lists.

Consultation approach in the Graduate Academy Tübingen


The counseling services offered by the Graduate Academy Tübingen are open to those interested in doing a doctorate, to doctoral candidates and postdocs, as well as to supervisors. The discussions are open-ended. Possible decisions and solutions are developed by those seeking advice themselves and are not anticipated by the advisors.


Individual counseling at the Graduate Academy is treated with the utmost confidentiality. No information from the counseling sessions will be disclosed to third parties. Third parties will only be involved in the counseling process with the explicit consent of the person seeking counseling.


The advisors of the Graduate Academy have many years of advising experience in the academic context and are continuously educated in the areas of career development, research funding, and other relevant areas. Furthermore, they are in close professional exchange with the other counseling institutions of the University of Tübingen.

Help for independence

The focus of the Graduate Academy's counseling is not on giving (expert) advice, but on helping those seeking advice to acquire needed information and to develop their own decision-making and solution strategies.

Resource and solution orientation

The Graduate Academy's counseling focuses on the competencies and resources of the person seeking advice. The main focus is on the development of decision-making and solution options.


The counselors of the Graduate Academy are closely networked with other counseling institutions of the University of Tübingen. These institutions are involved as needed, if the person seeking advice agrees to this. An overview of other important counseling institutions can be found here.

Doctoral Candidate Representation

With the revision of the State University Act as of April 2014, Doctoral Candidate Representations were introduced to represent the interests of all doctoral candidates accepted for doctoral studies (§ 38 LHG Absatz 7). In Tübingen, the representations are organized at the faculty level.

Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Faculty of Protestant Theology

Faculty of Sciences

Center for Islamic Theology

Faculty for Medicine

Further Consulting Services

Are you looking for a special contact person in the following areas?

Contact person for prospective and current students Informations on admission and enrollment (Student Administration) 

Start of studies, student clubs and societies, success in studies and offers for refugees Counseling for international students and researchers

Free advice on legal matters and problems Legal Advice
Counseling for conflicts, stressful situations, staff management and problems with addictive substances Psychosocial Counseling

Counseling for study-related or personal crises Psychotherapeutic counseling

Advice on writing academic texts Academic Writing Advice

Your contact persons

Postdocs, Assistant professors & Junior research group leaders


Dr. Marisa Köllner
+49 7071 29-72500  
 marisa.koellnerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

(Prospective) Doctoral Candidates and Courses on Good Scientific Practice

Dr. Martina Bross

+49 7071 29-76464
m.brossspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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