
Prof. Dr. Christof Landmesser

Protestant Theology / New Testament

Contact Details

christof.landmesserspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Liebermeisterstraße 12

72076 Tübingen

Tel.: +49 7071 297 2872


About Ambiguity

The reception of biblical texts is, on different levels, always implicitly concerned with the phenomenon of ambiguity. In his exegetical and hermeneutical works, as well as in his studies on the history of research, Christof Landmesser is interested in competing claims of validity (question of truth) and proposals of interpretation, which arise out of the ambiguities present in the texts and produced in the process of perception and interpretation.


After the completion of his studies of protestant theology in Tübingen and in Munich, Christof Landmesser worked as an assistant professor at Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. He obtained his doctorate with the work Truth as a Basic Term of New Testament Science in 1998, and he accomplished his habilitation in the year 2000 with the work Call to Discipleship and Devotion to God. An Exegetical Contribution to the Concept of the Matthean Soteriology. From 2003 to 2006, he was professor of New Testament studies at the Johannes-Gutenberg-University in Mainz, since 2006 he has been the holder of the Chair of New Testament studies with the emphasis on Paul and the Pauline school, theology and hermeneutics of the New Testament at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen.



The research of Christof Landmesser focuses on the exegesis of the New Testament, on the research history of the reception of biblical texts, and on New Testament hermeneutics. He is working on commentaries about different Pauline letters, on the ethics and sociology of the New Testament as well as on editions the scholarly exchange of letters of Rudolf Bultmann. His special interest pertains to the interdisciplinary approach to the world of the New Testament and the hermeneutical questions connected to it.



In teaching Christof Landmesser covers all areas of the New Testament. Focus areas are the Pauline letters, the synoptic gospels and the gospel of John. The hermeneutical questions in the context of New Testament research are included, deepened and critically reflected on in his lectures. In lectures on the historical-critical exegesis and on the history of research also questions on ambiguity take a significant part. Furthermore, in his courses Christof Landmesser closely links current hermeneutical questions to his research. The questions raised in his lectures and seminars also influence his research questions, which results in a lively exchange with the students.


Further Activities

Together with Piérre Bühler (Zürich), Ingolf U. Dalferth (Zürich / Claremont CA) and Margareth M. Mitchell (Chicago) Christof Landmesser is one of the editors of the international series Hermeneutische Untersuchungen zur Theologie (HUTh). In this book series theological works with a hermeneutical and interdisciplinary perspective are published. Christof Landmesser is also (with Beate Ego (Bochum), Rüdiger Lux (Leipzig) and Udo Schnelle (Halle)) one of the editors of the book series Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte (ABG), in which both exegetical and hermeneutical works are published. He is the main editor of the scholarly exchange of letters of Rudolf Bultmann and supervises the edition of the exchange of letters of Rudolf Bultmann with Ernst Käsemann in a project supported by the DFG. Christof Landmesser has been president of the Rudolf-Bultmann-Gesellschaft für Hermeneutische Theologie e.V. since 2008.


Publications on „Ambiguity“

  • Landmesser, Christof (2018). "Parusieverzögerung und die Gegenwart der Glaubenden. Zur Hermeneutik von Ambiguität und Ambivalenz der christlichen Existenz in der Theologie des Paulus." In: EC 9(2018), 107–130.
  • Landmesser, Christof (forthcoming: Q2 2017). "Vom Gegenstand der Geschichte. Eine grundlegende Anregung in neutestamentlicher Perspektive." Text und Geschichte. Eds. Christof Landmesser and Ruben Zimmermann. Leipzig.
  • Landmesser, Christof (2017). "Gerechtigkeit und Leben. Ambiguität und Ambivalenz eines Grundbegriffs bei Matthäus und bei Paulus." Gerechtigkeit verstehen. Theologische, philosophische, hermeneutische Perspektiven. Eds. Christof Landmesser and Enno Edzard Popkes. Leipzig (forthcoming: February 2017).
  • Landmesser, Christof (2016). "Qualifizierte Freiheit. Ein Konzept der Ambiguität in der Theologie des Paulus." (talk given at the "Ökumenischer Arbeitskreis" 14–17 March 2016, Tutzing; publication forthcoming).
  • Landmesser, Christof (2016). "Die Rede von der Wahrheit im christlichen Leben. Neutestamentlich-hermeneutische Anmerkungen." ZPT 2016, 68(1), 19-30.
  • Landmesser, Christof (2016). "Das gegenwärtige Ende. Geschichte in neutestamentlicher Perspektive." Geschichte und Gott, XV. Europäischer Kongress für Theologie (14.-18. September 2014 in Berlin). Ed. Michael Meyer-Blanck. Leipzig: 76-95.
  • Landmesser, Christof; Peter Koch (2015). "Ambiguität und Schriftauslegung. Beobachtungen zu Augustins Schrift De utilitate credendi." Ambiguity: Language and Communication. Ed. Susanne Winkler. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 217-268.
  • Landmesser, Christof (2014b). "Geschichte als Interpretation in der neutestamentlichen Wissenschaft." ThLZ 139(2014) 7/8, 813-830.
  • Landmesser, Christof (2013). "Die Schrift und ihre Pluralität. Eine hermeneutische Anmerkung." Allein die Schrift!? Die Bedeutung der Bibel für Theologie und Pfarramt. Eds. Christof Landmesser and Hartmut Zweigle. Neukirchener Theologie, 29-45.
  • Landmesser, Christof (2011). "Geschichte als Interpretation: Momente der Konstruktion im Neuen Testament." Die Wirklichkeit als Interpretationskonstrukt? Herausforderungen konstruktivistischer Ansätze für die Theologie. Eds. Andreas Klein and Ulrich H. J. Körtner. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Theologie, 147-164.
  • Landmesser, Christof (2004). "Interpretative Unity of the New Testament Canon." One Scripture or Many? Canon from Biblical, Theological and Philosophical Perspectives. Eds. Christine Helmer and Christof Landmesser. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 159-185.
  • Landmesser, Christof (1999). Wahrheit als Grundbegriff neutestamentlicher Wissenschaft. Tübingen: Mohr.


Further Publications

For a short list of publications and a full list of in pdf form click here.