Lecture by Vinhdo Doan (Software Ingenieur Trumpf Tracking Technologies)
‘Was ist KI? Was kann KI? Chancen und Probleme in der Germanistik’
Date: 03 December 2024, 6:15–7:45 p.m. (CANCELLED!) Location: Room 415, Brechtbau In the context of the Oberseminar Mediävistik and the project B3 and B4
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Antonella Ghersetti (Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia)
'The Aesthetics of Ambivalence: Beautifying the Ugly and Uglifying the Beautiful.'
Date: 09 November 2023, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Room 34, Keplerstr. 17 and Online broadcast (access information on poster) In context of the project B7
Lecture by Dr. Alexandre Roberts (University of Southern California)
'The Rhetorical Aims of the Chemical Commentaries by al-Jildaki and the Anonymous Philosopher'
Date: 16 October 2023, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Großer Seminarraum, Wilhelmstr. 113 and Online broadcast, registration by mail with Jasmin Schels In context of the project B7
'Coins from the Ancient Synagogue: A 'Big Data' Archaeological Project'
Date: 06 July 2023, 8:15–9:45 p.m. Location: seminar room 12, Theologicum In context of the project B2
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Eric Moormann (University of Nijmegen)
'Die Olympischen Spiele von 1936 und die Verbindung mit der griechischen Vergangenheit'
Date: 28 June 2023, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Ernst von Sieglin-Hörsaal, Schloss Hohentübingen In context of the project A1
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Maximilian Bergengruen (University Würzburg)
'Die Inflation und der Teufel. Flugblätter der Kipper- und Wipperzeit zwischen Ökonomie, Theologie und karnevalesker Selbstreflexion'
Date: 27 June 2023, 6:15–7:45 p.m. (CANCELED!) Location: Room 315, Brechtbau In context of the research colloquium of Prof. Dr. Jörg Robert and the project C6
Lecture by Swaantje Otto (Université de Fribourg)
'Deutsche Literatur und lateinische Tradition – Horaz in Hölderlins Frühwerk'
Date: 20 June 2023, 6:15–7:45 p.m. (CANCELED!) Location: Room 315, Brechtbau In context of the research colloquium of Prof. Dr. Jörg Robert and the project A3
Tandem-Lecture by Prof. Dr. Julia Nantke (University Hamburg), Marie Flüh M.Ed. (University Hamburg), Michael Göggelmann (University Tübingen/Köln)
'Dickens, Dehmel und digitale Zugriffe zur wissenschaftlichen Erschließung von Briefsammlungen'
Date: 15 May 2023, 4:15–5:45 p.m. Location: Brechtbau, Room 406 and Online broadcast, registration by mail with Michael Göggelmann In the context of project B6
Lecture by Mag. DDr. Andrea Korenjak (University of Vienna)
'Musik, Medizin und Psychiatrie im Wiener Biedermeier'
Date: 25 April 2023, 4:15–5:45 p.m. Location: Hörsaal, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut and Online broadcast, registration by mail with Lorenz Adamer In context of the project A4
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Jacqueline J.H. Klooster (University of Groningen)
'Can You Feel It? Styles of Ekphrasis in Hellenistic Epigram'
Date: 14 February 2023, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Philologisches Seminar, Großer Übungsraum In context of the project C1
'Das Problem der römischen Kopien: Ein transatlantischer Dissens'
Date: 01 February 2023, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Ernst von Sieglin-Hörsaal, Schloss Hohentübingen In context of the project A1
Lecture by PD Dr. Rita Voltmer (University of Trier)
'Theatrum miraculorum. Die Illusion des Hexensabbats als anti-dämonologisches Argument'
Date: 24 January 2023, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Room 315, Brechtbau In context of the research seminar 'Ästhetik und Gesellschaft' of Prof. Dr. Jörg Robert and the project C6
Lecture by Dr. Jan Machielsen (Cardiff University)
'Witches and Refugees: Scapegoating, Borders, and the End of the Basque Witch-Hunt'
Date: 17 January 2023, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Room 315, Brechtbau In context of the research seminar 'Ästhetik und Gesellschaft of Prof. Dr. Jörg Robert and the project C6
Lecture by Dr. Veronika Sossau (University of Basel)
'Bildmotiven auf der Spur. Die bewegte Geschichte (spät)archaisch/klassischer Standbilder zwischen Mittelmeer- und dem Schwarzmeerraum'
Date: 30 November 2022, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Ernst von Sieglin-Hörsaal, Schloss Hohentübingen In context of the archaeological colloquium and the project A1
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Dietrich (University of Heidelberg)
'Reliefschmuck und Bildnisrepräsentation am Löwensarkophag Vatikan, Cortile della Pigna 5155: Zur Vielschichtigkeit spätkaiserzeitlicher Sarkophage'
Date: 23 November 2022, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Ernst von Sieglin-Hörsaal, Schloss Hohentübingen In context of the archaeological colloquium and the project A1
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Andreas Grüner (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg)
'Texturit. Oberflächenphänomene und Oberflächenprobleme in der griechischen Skulptur'
Date: 16 November 2022, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Ernst von Sieglin-Hörsaal, Schloss Hohentübingen In context of the archaeological colloquium and the project A1
Lecture by Dr. Chiara Ballestrazzi (FU Berlin)
'Natura Artifex: The Art of Nature in Pliny the Elder’s Natural History'
Date: 25 October 2022, 4:15–5:45 p.m. Location: Philologisches Seminar, Kleiner Übungsraum In context of the Oberseminar from Prof. Dr. Anja Wolkenhauer
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Marian Füssel (University Göttingen)
'Untertänigste akademische Glückwünsche: Universitätszeremoniell, Herrscherlob und Hochstapelei im 18. Jahrhundert'
Date: 26 July 2022 Location: Brechtbau, Universität Tübingen In context of the archaeological colloquium and the project A5
Lecture by Dr. Viktoria Räuchle (LMU München)
'Eros in der Folterkammer: Metaphern der Leidenschaft in der griechisch-römischen Bilderwelt und Literatur'
Date: 20 July 2022, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Ernst von Sieglin-Hörsaal, Schloss Hohentübingen In context of the archaeological colloquium and the project A1
Lecture by Dr. Julia Frick (University of Zurich)
'Normierung und literarische Diversität. Kürzung als poetisches Prinzip in der mittelhochdeutschen Epik'
Date: 18 July 2022, 4:15–5:45 p.m. Location: Room 119, Brechtbau and Online broadcast, registration by mail with Sandra Linden In the context of the cross-sectional topic 'Norm and Diversity'.
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Dietrich (University of Heidelberg)
'Reliefschmuck und Bildnisrepräsentation am Löwensarkophag Vatikan, Cortile della Pigna 5155: Zur Vielschichtigkeit spätkaiserzeitlicher Sarkophage'
Date: 06 July 2022, 6:15–7:45 p.m. (CANCELLED!) Location: Ernst von Sieglin-Hörsaal, Schloss Hohentübingen In context of the archaeological colloquium an the project A1
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Roland Scheel (University of Göttingen)
'Die Erzählung des Rechts und Erzählen vom Recht: zur Spannung zwischen normativen und narrativen norrönen Texten'
Date: 28 June 2022, 2:15–3:45 p.m. Location: Room 34, Keplerstr. 17 and Online broadcast, registration by mail with Anna Katharina Heiniger In context of the Scandinavian Studies Colloquium and the project B5
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Jörn Steigerwald (University by Paderborn)
'Der König lädt ein oder: zivilisierte Kontakte im Premier Versailles (Les Plaisirs de l’île enchantée, Molière: La princesse d’Élide)'
Date: 21 June 2022, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Room 011, Brechtbau In the context of the project A3
Online-Lecture Prof. Dr. Annalisa Polosa (Sapienza Università di Roma)
'Coin finds, coin issues at Elaiussa Sebaste (Turkey)'
Date: 15 July 2022, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Online-Lecture In context of the research colloquium of the Institute for Classical Archaeology and the project B2
Vortrag Dr. Elena Brandenburg (Universität of Cologne)
'Unfeste Texte, offene Genres – mouvance und remaniement des Genre-Begriffs am Beispiel der europäischen Gattungstransmission im Mittelalter'
Date: 14 June 2022, 2:15–3:45 p.m. Location: Room 34, Keplerstr. 17 and Online broadcast, registration by mail with Anna Katharina Heiniger In context of the projects B5
Online-Lecture Prof. Dr. Christopher Howgego (University of Oxford)
'Alexandria and Rome: the Special Relationship?'
Date: 01 July 2022, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Online-Lecture In context of the research colloquium of the Institute for Classical Archaeology and the project B2
Lecture by Marie-Luise Musiol M.A. (University of Paderborn)
'Wankende Konstellationen. Ästhetische Effekte rechtlichen Wissens in mittelalterlichen Rechtsspiegeln'
Date: 11 May 2022, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Room 415, Brechtbau In the context of the Oberseminar Mediävistik an the projects B3, B4 and C3
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Maximilian Benz (University of Bielefeld)
'Die Schönheit der Praxis. Ästhetik und Lebenskunst an der Schwelle zur Neuzeit'
Date: 04 May 2022, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Room 415, Brechtbau and Online broadcast, registration by mail with Sandra Linden In the context of the Oberseminar Mediävistik
Online-Lecture by Dr. Sylvia Brockstieger (University of Heidelberg)
'Zum Verhältnis von Kalendarik und Erzählen in den simplicianischen Jahreskalendern'
Date: 20 January 2022, 4:15–5:45 p.m. Location: Online-Lecture In the context of the theory seminar 'Zum Verhältnis von Kalendarik und Erzählen in den simplicianischen Jahreskalendern'
Online-Lecture by Dr. Lucia Assenzi (University of Innsbruck)
'daß wir Teutschen sehr uͤbel thun / in dem wir unsere Muttersprach [...] nicht erheben'
Online-Lecture by Prof. Dr. Michele Calella (University of Vienna)
'„… nicht eine bloße Konstruktion von Historikern“? Gattungsnormen und Gattungsgeschichte in der Historischen Musikwissenschaft'
Date: 8 November 2021, 12:15 a.m.–1:45 p.m. Location: Online-Lecture In the context of the seminar 'Norm und Diversität: Kompositionen jenseits der Gattungszuweisungen' of the cross-sectional topic 'Norm & Diversität'.
Online-Lecture by Prof. Dr. David Scott Kastan (Yale University)
'What’s Love Got To Do With it?: Rembrandt’s The Wedding of Samson'
Rembrandt’s painting is a decidedly odd one. It is as much a “riddle" as the one it depicts. It represents an obscure moment in The Book of Judges, which is almost never illustrated and rarely discussed (even by biblical scholars). In the painting, there is a dense specificity of pictorial detail that alludes to a history but which resists confident interpretation or even, as it turns out, identification. This lecture is about the painting’s compelling strangeness. What does the painting do? Why did Rembrandt paint this particular biblical episode? What are we asked to make of it? The lecture is about how to look at a Rembrandt painting—that is, how does the painting invite us to “read” it. And it is also about how Rembrandt looked at paintings and read--and how he discovers his originality in his “profound reflection,” as a contemporary said, upon what had come before.
Date: 25 October 2021, 6:30–8:00 p.m. Location: Pfleghofsaal and Online broadcast, registration by mail with Jan Stellmann
Tandem-Lecture by Fabien Cavaillé (Université de Caen), Ann-Kristin Fenske (University of Tübingen)
'Les démons et rituels magiques dans La Philistée de Troterel (1627)'
Date: 13 July 2021 Location: Online-Lecture In context of the project C6
Lecture by Oliver Grütter M.A. (University of Zürich)
'Contemptus mundi – Martin Opitzʼ Übersetzung von Jacoponis De vanitate rerum'
Date: 07 July 2021 Location: tba In context of the project A3
Online-Lecture by Prof. Dr. Volkhard Wels (FU Berlin)
'Sprachreformatorische Implikationen und Folgen der 'Poeterey' des Martin Opitz'
Date: 29 June 2021, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Isabel-Stefanie Janßen In context of the research seminar 'Neue Forschungen zur Ästhetik der Frühmoderne' of Prof. Dr. Jörg Robert.
Online-Lecture by Prof. Dr. Stefan Keppler-Tasaki (The University of Tokyo)
'Wie Goethe Japaner wurde: Ästhetik und nationaler Identitätsdiskurs'
Date: 17 June 2021, 10:15–11:45 a.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Isabel-Stefanie Janßen In context of the seminar 'Martin Opitz – Ein europäischer Dichter des 17. Jahrhunderts' of Prof. Dr. Jörg Robert.
Online-Lecture by Dr. Coralie Rippl (University of Zürich)
'Gott, der Zufall und der Erzähler – Zum höfischen Roman zwischen ‚literarischer Autonomie‘ und Religiosität'
Date: 16 June 2021, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Jan Stellmann In the context of project B4
Online-Lecture by Prof. Dr. Carlos Spoerhase (University of Bielefeld)
'Der Epitomator: Eine Figur ästhetisch zweitrangiger Produktionsverhältnisse?'
Date: 14 June 2021, 4:15–5:45 p.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Angelika Zirker In the context of the cross-sectional topic 'Individual and Collective'
Online-Lecture by Prof. Dr. Peter Burschel (HAB Wolfenbüttel/University of Göttingen)
'Der Tanz der Tapuya. Zur kulturellen Codierung von Hautfarben in der frühen Neuzeit'
Date: 06 June 2021, 6:15–8:45 p.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Isabel-Stefanie Janßen In context of the research seminar 'Neue Forschungen zur Ästhetik der Frühmoderne' of Prof. Dr. Jörg Robert.
Online-Lecture by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Beatrice Trînca (FU Berlin/University of Nürnberg-Erlangen)
'Klebewort und übergulde ‒ Schöner Schein, Evidenz und dissimulatio in Gottfrieds Tristan'
Date: 02 June 2021, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Jan Stellmann In the context of project C3 in cooperation with project B3
Online-Lecture by Sophie Knapp (University of Heidelberg)
‘Intertextualität als poetologische Strategie der Sangspruchdichtung‘
Date: 01 June 2021, 3:45–5:45 p.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Miriam Krauß In the context of project B3 and the medieval research colloquium of the University of Stuttgart
Online-Lecture by Dr. Maria Hinzmann (University of Trier)
'Topik zwischen Modellierung und Operationalisierung – eine transdisziplinäre Heuristik für die Analyse argumentativer Rekurrenzmuster'
Date: 18 May 2021, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Dietmar Till In the context of project A5 and the institute colloquium of rhetoric
Online-Lecture by Prof. Dr. Kärin Nickelsen (LMU Munich)
'Kunstwerk, Handwerk, Wissenschaft – und wer ist der Autor? Botanische Abbildungen des 18. Jahrhunderts'
Date: 10 May 2021, 4:15–5:45 p.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Angelika Zirker In the context of the cross-sectional topic 'Individual and Collective'
Online-Lecture by Dr. Lydia Wegener (HU Berlin)
'Über 'Teuffelische einbildungen' und 'lügenhafftige Poeten': zur gefährlichen Schöpfungskraft der Imagination in den deutschen Übertragungen von Johann Weyers ‚De praestigiis daemonum‘'
'Iconographic Fusion in the Late Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods in Palestine – Some Chronological Aspects'
Date: 09 February 2021, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Online-Lecture In context of the project B3
Online-Lecture by Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Patota (Università degli Studi di Siena)
'Pietro Bembo: la Quarta Corona'
Date: 03 February 2021 , 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Martin Sinn In the context of project A3
Online-Lecture by Prof. Dr. Henrike Lähnemann (University of Oxford)
'Per manus sororum. Kollektive Autorschaft in den norddeutschen Frauenklöstern' The lecture will take place in context of the advanced seminar 'Modelle von Autorschaft in mittelalterlicher Literatur' of Prof. Dr. Annette Gerok-Reiter and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Gropper.
Date: 03 February 2021, 11:00–12:00 a.m. Location: Online-Lecture In the context of the projects B3, B5 and C3
Online-Lecture by Maximilian Wick M.A. (University of Frankfurt am Main)
'Terraristik und Kosmologie: Zur Funktion des Menschen in der 'Wiener Genesis' und in der 'Cosmographia''
Date: 21 January 2021, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Jan Stellmann In the context of the cross-sectional topic 'Materiality and Mediality'
Online-Lecture by Prof. Dr. Gilles Siouffi (Sorbonne Université, Paris)
'L’impact de la normalisation linguistique sur l’écriture phrastique au XVIIe siècle'
Date: 20 January 2021, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Martin Sinn In the context of project A3
Online-Lecture by Dr. Stefanie Seidl (University of Stuttgart)
'Genialität auf zweiter Stufe? Sekundäre Autorschaft am Beispiel Gottfrieds von Straßburg' The lecture will take place in context of the advanced seminar 'Modelle von Autorschaft in mittelalterlicher Literatur' of Prof. Dr. Annette Gerok-Reiter and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Gropper.
Date: 20 January 2021, 11:00–12:00 a.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Sanja Ketterer In the context of the projects B3 and B5
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Dominik Maschek (Oxford University)
'Die Belagerung von Fregellae: Neue Forschungen zu einem antiken Schlachtfeld im Umfeld von Ceprano und Arce (Latium)'
Date: 11 January 2021, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Online-Lecture In context of the project A2
Online-Lecture by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Eva von Contzen (University of Freiburg)
'Die Alterität des Enumerativen: Zur Poetik der Liste'
Date: 22 October 2020, 6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Daniela Wagner In the context of the cross-sectional topic 'Materiality and Mediality'
Online-Lecture by Prof. Dr. Michele Calella (University of Wien)
'Entlehnen, Bearbeiten und Komponieren. Die Entstehung der Wiener Pasticci von 1750'
Date: 15 June 2020, 2:15–3:45 p.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Lorenz Adamer In the context of project A4
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Caroline Emmelius (HU Berlin)
'frovwe minne und amor: Reflexionsfiguren einer theologischen Ästhetik bei Mechthild von Magdeburg und Mechthild von Hackeborn'
Date: 20 May 2020, 10:15–11:45 a.m. (CANCELLED!) Location: Room 037, Brechtbau In the context of project B4
Lecture by Dr. Heike Schlie (University of Salzburg)
Title: as yet unknown.
Date: 07 May 2020, 6:00–7:30 p.m. (CANCELLED!) Location: as yet unknown In the context of project B4
Online-Lecture by Prof. Dr. Henrike Lähnemann (Oxford, St. Edmund Hall)
'Willkommen Ostertag! Personifikation in den Medinger Andachtsbüchern'
Date: 23 April 2020,6:15–7:45 p.m. Location: Online broadcast, registration by mail with Sandra Linden In the context of project B4