
Prof. Dr. René Ziegler

Department of Psychology / Social and Organizational Psychology Unit

Contact Details

rene.zieglerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Schleichstr. 4

72076 Tübingen

Tel.: +49 7071 297 8351


About Ambiguity

Much of what people encounter day by day (pictures, information, acts of others etc.) is of an ambiguous nature, and hence can be interpreted in different ways. From a (social) psychological perspective, René Ziegler is particularly interested in the factors that determine how ambiguous stimuli are interpreted, and how this results in different evaluations and judgments. His extant collaborative research shows, for example, that the same ambiguous arguments are judged as more or less convincing, and hence lead to more or less attitudinal agreement, contingent on the source purported to present these arguments and recipients’ a priori assessment of the source.



Psychology studies at Tübingen, Amherst (USA) and Mannheim (Diploma 1996). Dissertation (2000) and Habilitation (2004) at Tübingen University. Temporary professor at Trier (2005) and Freiburg (2007/08); call as a professor for Social Psychology at Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (2012). René Ziegler is "Akademischer Oberrat" for Social- and Economic Pychology at the Department of Psychology at Tübingen University.



Rene Ziegler’s research deals primarily with causes and consequences of ambivalent work attitudes, persuasive communication processes, and the influence of moods on social judgments.



Through the years, Professor Ziegler has taught various courses in social psychology, personality psychology, organizational psychology, and methods. Core areas in recent years have been courses on processes of attitude change, consumer psychology, and causes and consequences of job satisfaction.


Other Activities

Research on ambivalence in regard to job satisfaction and mood influences on social information processing and judgments.

2009-2012: Arbeitszufriedenheit: Ursache und Folgen einer ambivalenten Einstellung zur Arbeit (funded by a research grant from the DFG )

2013-2015: Der Einfluss stimmungskongruenter Erwartungen auf soziale Urteile und die Verarbeitung urteilsrelevanter Informationen (funded by a research grant from the DFG )


Publications on „Ambiguity“

  • Ziegler, René; Christian Schlett (2013). "Formen der Arbeitszufriedenheit: Untersuchungen zur Validität der Selbstzuordnungsmethode sowie zu Unterschieden in der Valenz der Arbeit, der Arbeitssituation und der dispositionalen Affektivität." Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie 57: 51-76.
  • Ziegler, René; Christian Schlett; Kerstin Casel; Michael Diehl (2012). "The Role of Job Satisfaction, Job Ambivalence, and Emotions at Work in Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behavior.” Journal of Personnel Psychology 11.4: 176-190.
  • Ziegler, René; Britta Hagen; Michael Diehl (2012). "The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: Job Ambivalence as a Moderator.” Journal of Applied Social Psychology 42.8: 2019-2040.
  • Ziegler, René (2010). “Ambiguität und Ambivalenz in der Psychologie: Begriffsverständnis und Begriffsverwendung." Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 158: 125-171.
  • Cuddy, Amy J. C.; Susan T. Fiske; Virginia S.Y. Kwan; Peter Glick; Stéphanie Demoulin; Jacques-Philippe Leyens; Michael Harris Bond; Jean-Claude Croizet; Naomi Ellemers; Ed Sleebos; Tin Tin Htun; Hyun-Jeong Kim; Greg Maio; Judi Perry; Kristina Petkova; Valery Todorov; Rosa Rodriguez-Bailón; Elena Morales; Miguel Moya; Marisol Palacios; Vanessa Smith; Rolando Perez; Jorge Vala; René Ziegler (2009). "Stereotype Content Model across Cultures: Towards Universal Similarities and Some Differences." British Journal of Social Psychology 48.1: 1-33.
  • Ziegler, René; Beatrice Dobre; Michael Diehl (2007). "Does Matching Versus Mismatching Message Content to Attitude Functions Lead to Biased Message Processing? The Role of Message Ambiguity." Basic and Applied Social Psychology 29.3: 269-278.
  • Ziegler, René; Friederike Arnold; Michael Diehl (2007). "Communication Modality and Biased Processing: A Study on the Occasion of the German 2002 Election TV Debate." Basic and Applied Social Psychology 29.2: 175-184.
  • Riketta, Michael; René Ziegler (2007). "Self-Ambivalence and Reactions to Success versus Failure." European Journal of Social Psychology 37.3: 547-560.
  • Jonas, Klaus; René Ziegler (2007). “Attitudinal Ambivalence.” The Scope of Social Psychology: Theory and Applications: Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Stroebe. Eds. Miles Hewstone, Henk A. W. Schut, John B. F. de Wit, Kees van den Bos und Margaret S. Stroebe. Hove, UK: Psychology Press. 29-42.
  • Ziegler, René; Michael Riketta (2006). "Self-Ambivalence and Self-Esteem." Current Psychology 25.3: 192-211.
  • Ziegler, René; Alexa von Schwichow; Michael Diehl (2005). "Matching the Message Source to Attitude Functions: Implications for Biased Processing." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 41.6: 645-653.
  • Ziegler, René; Michael Diehl (2003). "Is Politician A or Politician B More Persuasive? Recipients’ Source Preference and the Direction of Biased Message Processing." European Journal of Social Psychology 33.5: 623-637.


Further Publications

For a full list of publications, click here.