
Sub-project B01: The functional diversity of two pseudokinases during early embryogenesis

Principle Investigator

Dr. Martin Bayer

Max-Planck-Institut für Entwicklungsbiologie,
Abteilung Zellbiologie

Spemannstrasse 35, 72076 Tübingen

Tel 07071 – 601 1305

Fax 07071 – 601 1308

martin.bayerspam prevention@tuebingen.mpg.de


SSP and BSK1 are paralogous genes which function in the context of seemingly unrelated signaling pathways. BSK1 is expressed in various somatic tissue types while SSP specifically functions in the early embryo. TP B01 (Bayer) is analyzing which factors are responsible for the fundamentally different expression patterns of SSP and BSK1 and how the unusual parent-of-origin effect of SSP is established. Furthermore, this project wants to elucidate how the functional specificity of these two cytoplasmic kinases/pseudokinases is achieved in their particular signaling context.